Hes busy enough as it is without trying to figure out how to work with another person. This could work out perfectly. He runs his fingers over it, not surprised to realise that whatever is on it is printed. That doesnt mean Matts going to make it easy for him. On my way.. Matts vaguely something about that, even as he ducks out of sight of Iron Man for the third time tonight, hiding near a boiler so if Stark has some kind of heat signature detector or whatever, he wont see Matt. Ill give it to Mahoney or the forensic guys when we get back. He nods and slips his hand between the mask and his ear. Okay. And hes my only link to the men trafficking women out of New York. WARNING: This deals pretty heavily with various issues of ableism. No time. Not exactly a lie; Matt doesnt tend to read braille books due to the often unjustifiable expense and hes not had a lot of time to listen to any of his novels since becoming a vigilante. Hes a little pleased about that. You should always know your way to where your home is. Tony told us what hed done after he did it. Neither of them comment, but Widow gives him a sharp nod as he slips in through the window. Guilt flooding him, he sighs. I got to read the major Daredevil Runs such as Miller, Nocenti, Bendis, Brubaker, Weid, Soule and of course, Zdarskyand it made me curious if there was either a controversial or bad Daredevil story. What did they say?. religious interview questions and answers sharleen spiteri ashley heath. Matts been in dirtier hospitals. Related:Batman Is Stealing A Move From Daredevil For His Next Mission. Seek and find them before they slaughter our innocents?, Steve shakes his head. 4 Daredevil. Its its certainly something, Matt manages to say. Running is pointless, Matt might be able to out hide Steve but he doubts he can keep moving long enough to outrun him for the rest of his life. In fact, its better for Matts cover if they do think hes a complete idiot; a high school dropout barely capable of stringing two words together, who is better at fighting than thinking. The screenwriter for Avengers: The Kang Dynasty gave some unexpected information on the Fantastic Four's inclusion in that film.. Marvel's First Family, the Fantastic Four, is set to grace the big screen on Valentine's Day, 2025.Since the film was announced a few years ago, information has really only been revealed in dribs and drabs. Okay. Relief floods Matt as he is finally listened to. He can do it. Matt struggles to his feet and holds his head as high as it can go. Even with everything Steves done, or allowed to happen Matt cant help but want to help his childhood hero. Bookish Matt Murdock pushes a man clear of an oncoming truck but is blinded when he lands in an unknown radioactive substance. I thought the whole, stay in the shadow thing was for effect not because you could teleport or something., Matt gives him a disbelieving look, that he must get even through the cowl as he laughs. Confused and a little bit pleased, Matt eventually makes his way to Clints roof. This place is known as where the one and only Avengers Tower is located containing the Avengers themselves. Good question. Therefore he doesnt see Matt remove his hand and slip the comm into his pocket with his phone. Youll talk later ., Later. Probably the stubbornest hero Ive had to marshal. Matt ignores him again, too focused on the glass door hes ninety percent sure is right in front of him. He knocks the second arrow out of the air and lifts his head in Hawkeyes direction. But I always refer to . Published Mar 9, 2021. Every limb is heavy, begging him to keep falling and rest on the floor. Steve takes a step towards him. The coldness in Matts veins runs into something warm that burns through his body and mind. Matt tilts his head, hearing no lie in Steves voice nor sensing no lie in his body. How is he walking? Falcon finally says, breaking the silence. Words have no power, theyre only words. Why would I expose myself to working with you knowing you think Im a complete idiot a retard , because of something I cannot help? avengers think daredevil is illiterate. We have a problem, he says. ' Why does every cell in his body feel absolutely defeated because of a few simple words? Especially since he cant defend himself; not without revealing why he missed the timer and the words on the wall. Okay, maybe only a little. Tonight this woman is so far as tight lipped as her counterparts and Matts continuing to beat her, regardless of the grating feeling in his soul every time a punch lands. Making a note to warn Foggy and have him read over the list for something Matts fingers - and thank goodness for the fact the lists are handwritten - missed, Matt goes to grab a few hours sleep before work. Matt struggles to his feet and, as silently as possible makes his way home to where hes sure an anxious Foggy is waiting. Im still blind Foggy, he says in a defeated tone as he collapses into Foggys couch. Right. Theyre followed by a man, who can only be Tony Stark judging by the amount of noise hes making. Matt laughs. He pauses in the doorway. The fact that theyre holding this argument inside said bank, with their many hostages listening makes Matt sure that theyre not planning on letting anyone out alive so it doesnt matter what they overhear. I aim to please. Matt focuses, counting the approaching heart beats. He sticks to mainly street crime and not world/universal threats. He immediately tries to sense out the light switch, aware hes about to screw Widow over but well if shed not run off alone, he would have told her his plan. You lost a lot of blood, have at least two broken ribs and probably a concussion though Id need to take your mask off to t-, Matt flinches at the thought, -ell and I know how youd feel about that, he finishes. Shit. He lands a solid kick to one of the womens ribs and feels them break; the crunching noise doing nothing to distract him from the feel of bones giving when they should not. The Hulk. And Other Comic Book Legends Revealed and Why Does Batman Carry Shark Repellent? Promise, Falcon says and the relief steals the last of Matts fighting power. Would it have made much difference? Matt says in a monotone. Used to the sound of doubt, he pushes off the bed and stumbles as the pain hits him, feeling as if hes walked into a brick wall. Brian Cronin: "Our special interests kept us from seeing the big picture", Eileen Gonzalez: : The real lesson should be "just listen to Cap, he knows what he's doing. If you dont finish your fight soon, Matt cuts into the arguing. He needs somewhere a touch more private to examine what hes found. But I can be known to be useful.. Brian Cronin: I really don't get the point here. And voila, he says, holding out something flat. I got a friend who got a friend that works for the Avengers and he said theyre working on teaching him how to read. Eileen Gonzalez: : And to think the Avengers used to pitch a fit over killing villains. The man goes down but Matts still facing five people, plus what sounds like another half dozen thundering up the stairs. Eileen Gonzalez: : Yeah, after all that excitement, the story really peters out here. Tristan Benns is a freelance writer and lifelong geek. He doesnt want anything in his ears. But it wouldn't be a Marvel show without your fair share of Marvel . Matt has to get up, be on his feet when they win. I can tell you how many people are in that back but not how many are hostages not Hydra., You could ask, Matt says mildly and takes pleasure in the way everyone - bar the Black Widow - jumps. The smile slides off his face a second later as it begins to dawn on him how badly hes miscalculated here. He nods and shes down there in a flash. You do realise that now I know your secret, youre a shit liar? Matt cant help the flinch at the sting but just gives a small nod. Lifting his head and shoulders causes something sharp and painful to race through him and for a moment the stale room vanishes and he is on Claires soft couch, her gentle hands trying to keep him still. They come in a variety of sizes and assortments like previous anniversary programs . Are you following me for a reason or just looking for entertainment?, Matt tilts his head, aware Hawkeye cant see his raised eyebrow. Work Search: Joke. Matt makes his way to the Mansion, only to find it surrounded by Luke and Jessicas baby, Danielle Cage, along with her nanny, Squirrel Girl, trapped inside. That I am. He fumbles in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a - Matt sniffs - phone. So its dawned on him too. It was clearly labelled, you should have had no problems activating the alarm instead of turning the lights off. Her heart is a touch faster than usual, something Matts sure means shes furious and her tone has a mild note of confusion. Sam and Tony are on air support, scouting out their arrival and making sure no one leaves. Daredevil Will Reportedly Join The MCU's New Avengers. Hes spotted Matt. So youre going to work with us? Stark - Iron Man but Matt cant help but think of him as the name he knew first - says, surprise in his voice. The connections are tenuous at best and, as you just noted, don't even make sense. Overall I think there are at least around a few hundred, maybe close to a thousand, Yes. Hey, I promise. I wasnt aware Id joined your team.. Right, it was the second option then. And Matt has an awareness that while sharing his experience might add even more panes of glass to his emotional windows (okay, his metaphors might need some work), itll add a burden to Foggy. So this has nothing to do with the fact you may or may not have fought aside the Avengers, people so moronic they both think you cant read and seem to think that matters?. Who the hell sets four, nine, three, seven, two as their passcode when theyre a member of a secret Nazi group?. But theres no way he can tell Hawkeye that. Matt focuses as he races up the stairs and yes, there she is, just coming to the ground floor. Please consider turning it on! Alley., Avenger Tower, nearby alleyway. Look, we can get in no problem, Steve growls, tapping on a table - probably pointing at something? Its a tablet? he repeats. A part of Matt wants to keep going, to ignore the man and keep patrolling, but hes very aware of Starks reputation as a stubborn son of a bitch. Im not running the risk of them shooting everyone before Nat can subdue them., Can we get numbers? Clint growls. Im just particularly hard to sneak up on.. Eileen Gonzalez: : All I hear is a sad trombone. Youd be dead without it., I know. Matt turns his head, so Banner will think hes looking away. Its a good plan. Thank you, Captain America says. It's a fic about ableism and they're the ones stuck in an ableist world view - even when they do get it, they screw up. With or without you-, - the people of Hells Kitchen are not going to suffer because you cant keep your wars out of my city. He turns to leave but the Black Widow steps in front of him. I don't even know how close I got it to what the OP wanted but it is a monster anyway. She should spot him in three, two, on-, Got you, she says, her voice echoing in his ear a moment later. Tony!. Sam can you drop Clint and Nat on the roof before you go?. My turn to talk. He can smell the faint scent of copper but its probably from the men he beat up. Cue confusion, embarrassment, and the eventual reveal that Matt is blind. Point, Stark says, pointing at Matt with the hand not opening the briefcase. He's fought with the Avengers and has been offered but no, he is not. I dont appreciate the doubt when I have something amazing for you., In spite of himself, Matt finds a smile quirking at his lips. No way you dont know the time every minute that youre out there. He fumbles down the side of the couch with his right hand, the one furthest from Matt, and pulls out a remote. Matt thinks about moving so Foggys hand falls off his shoulder but decides against it. A few times the 'R' word is used. Yours? Matt hesitates for a moment then rattles off his burner phones number. But from the way Foggy sighs, Matt thinks his friend caught the lie anyway. But hes never been one to run from pain - more one to run to pain if you ask Foggy - so he gathers his shaky thoughts and claws through the darkness. She nods anyway, accepting his words or at least deciding not to argue with them. So he lightly tosses Clint his phone. Press J to jump to the feed. Hasnt he been here before? Go ahead, Steve says but theres a note in his voice that makes Matt want to raise his shoulders and leave. Get this off, he tugs at Matts cowl and shoves it in the bag still hanging off one of Matts shoulders, and well get you home.. The hand on his back is moved to rest under his arm and Matt puts grateful weight into it so he can rise, moving his own hand to rest on Falcons shoulder. I might also have some files; from that Hydra base last week. Clint stands too but doesnt leave the side of the roof. Alien invasions; secret Nazi groups and now. Probably. Johnson, thats it. Seems our Hydra pals have been tracking down Project Insight targets; theres lists of names and addresses all over these walls. Matt flinches again, annoyed at himself. Hes pissed . Well, now its still the secret Nazi group but theyre doing something very out of character. But here, safe by Foggys side in an apartment that smells and feels like home, theres a dimness to the memories. Thats some useless scribble on a piece of rubbish. Okay, the doubt? The importance of licensed comics to Marvel's history can't really be overstated . junio 16, 2022 . Very good point huh. Gift from us all.. The series was produced by Marvel Television and ABC Studios, and originally released on Netflix. Eileen Gonzalez: : It leaves the issue feeling a bit unfinished, without a definitive "the end. Its not just the Avengers who are out in full force the next few nights, as Matt spends half his nights beating various men and women to unconsciousness before they can kill themselves. Downstairs?. Clint and Natasha will start on the roof and work their way down, making sure no one uses that as an escape. The problem was that when he teamed up with Daredevil, one of the only other free heroes, Panther was captured, as well, so Daredevil was by himself. But having him be . He perches on the roof of the building next to it and focuses his attention on the building, pushing all his senses towards it. Once an idea is out there, theres no stopping it. Grimacing at the thought, Matt gathers himself. Look man, I get its embarrassing as hell. Captain America storms in, his apparently obnoxious costume drawing the attention of the ten arguing Hydra grunts in the bottom level of the warehouse. Stark?, No cameras and theyre all muddled up with the hostages for heat signals. I kinda deserve it Mike.. Angry Cleaning - a Daredevil fic based solely on previews, and for a while, one of the only Daredevil fics on AO3 None? Illiterate. And I can tell you, that aint it., But aint you heard, Sarge? the male rookie asks. Good. The Black Widow rises from her seat in an almost silent movement, with only the click of her heels a sign shes moving. Course its going to make getting to talk impossible but at least shes alive. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Not happy with us.. I lost track of time. Not even bothering to turn them off. To celebrate six decades in the comics, Hasbro today revealed a lineup of Avengers 60th anniversary figures. But while Matt may have been able to turn down Captain America, he had no such luck with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Daredevil left a note., Matt frowns, sure hes done nothing of the sort. So you have a choice. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Say it then.. Its the same note hes heard a thousand times before, when the blind kid dared to put his hand up to have an opinion and the teacher had to call on him. Theres a collective sigh of relief. Matts main police contact as Daredevil, much to the mans displeasure, is Brett Mahoney. What? they say, almost as a single voice. Youre not deaf, Steve says softly, but you made a bad call tonight., And thats coming from someone whos made a few dumbass moves in his time. Stark holds up his drink and toasts Matt. Steve. Sounds are bouncing off the glass along the hallway, the weird echoes this causes making his already swaying world a confusing mess of noise. Matt Murdock is typically known as the Man Without Fear. How did we not know this?. I wasnt aware that working together once was an invitation for you all to bother me. You can be all I am the night and hide in shadows. Stark sounds highly amused and Captain America only sighs at his co-Avenger friend maybe? The concept is what if they made the Avengers but used 2000s Marvel chara. If it wasnt for the weapons he can occasionally hear clicking or shifting around, Matt would have already gone in. He grimaces as he shoves it in his ear and starts to gather as many of the papers as he can carry. Remic, hyper_fixating, Arthur_Orion, TheExperiment13, Jazzed, Omgtheentertainment, NeutralGhost, pepperlove, CausalMoon, Katarina_the_alright, Albeit_Asexual, Usaigi, TaillessComet, Lizzyfrizzy, HanaG, bookdump, delicatewombatbanana, xee_xoo, Anomalia_Humana, TheLostTree, The_Anon_Is_Here, captaindean, Aurelia363, Aua, ara_luen, Jt1243, Lyniel_Aeodarth, Lunaveil_123, AgentMalkere, kwnji, HorrorWriter1522, WhyAmITheWorst, lazy_panda02, iwannagohome167, fandompunss, CathademicScholar, Chole27, Aiio, R3e, Ghostly_Lights, lekksze, sirius_b_lupin, MonkeySauce0, MossyGuss, sadgasm, nolongersun, Angel2017, th3_r4t_k1ng, Kaiza224, oer_yonder, and 12902 more users He continues trying to sit up and hears Banners sigh. Bursting through the doorway, Matt throws his stick with the uncanny precision that Stick relentlessly drilled into him. Its usually followed by a surprised tone, when Matt proves his blindness did nothing to his intelligence. Somehow, he has some kind of power over Stark in his acceptance of this this thing. Its not so great on abstract ideas but by the time you get to those you shouldnt need the pictures.. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. Its only then it dawns on Matt that Captain America took his word as absolute truth, without questioning him at all. Nat might make it but shes just one person. He shuffles over, trying to put as much space between them as he can. Nothing, Matt says and he senses Steves nod. And through the chorus of pained cries and creaking, snapping bones, a calm, soft voice to go with the firm, steady hands at his throat. Brian Cronin: It's just the end of the issue period, no? And on the other side of the street using the building Matts on top of as cover and a base of operations, are the Avengers. Looks like, every bit of his weariness in his voice. But then again, it might have just been a lucky punch, as his next attack is a tackle in the wrong direction that ends up being more of a belly flop at thin air. Almost everyone has been an Avenger at some point in time. They stop a moment later with a squealequel of brakes and are out of the car in nearly the same moment, guns drawn and pointed where Matt had been. And I thought you could come with me, to be the loud and obvious ground attack.. No its not. Matt looks away, a wordless admission Foggy is right. The moment hes on the street, he pulls out his burner phone and presses at buttons with a prayer in his throat. Wasnt sure I was still welcome to call you that. Matt tilts his head questioningly and Clint sighs again. Warning: SPOILERS for Savage Avengers #7! Why is he focusing on it-. Ah, do you know our names or our, Captain America sighs, media given code names?, That gets a surprised sounding huff from Hawkeye. Daredevil? Captain America asks as Matt grabs the last of the papers and heads back for the stairs. If you dont like my doubt, youre welcome to leave my city and it behind you., No - and good distraction there. Five? While sometimes its all he can do to find a bright side of things, Matts a somewhat optimistic idealist - something hes well aware of even without people continuously pointing it out to him - and that means he can usually find a bright side. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Theyre walking, almost silently in the case of two, but he can hear that two of them - one of which is still somehow managing to move quietly - are carrying something. They say when you assume you make an ass of you and me. Matt feels vaguely guilty. None of them know that this church leaves its doors unlocked or that this dumpster is emptied Thursdays and never filled until Wednesday. A comm piece. Or at least, the only one awake in the room. Netflix and Marvel promised that Daredevil, a new series based on the popular comic-book character, would be something different. Will that help?. ", Brian Cronin: Yeah, it made me think for a moment that they were saying that this was going to be continued into the next issue, Brian Cronin: Before I remembered what next issue was actually about. Pretty sure to this day DD is still a card carrying member. No more fine in my apartment. - are sitting on one side of a table, Falcon and the Black Widow at the other. Its not a bad plan actually. Okay.. Reading! CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over fifteen years now at CBR (primarily with his Comics Should Be Good series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). Published Nov 12, 2022. You know what? Yeah. It breaks from the forces on it as it hitshisstick and he tracks the pieces as they fall to the ground around him. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Black Panther Is the Only Avenger To Get Daredevil's 'I'm Blind!' Your aids are working. The Avengers think Matt cant read. M-Daredevil? Foggy says as he picks up and Matt releases the tension in his limbs with his heartfelt thanks to God. Brian Cronin: It's interesting to have Thor just kill a dude like this, right? Matt tries to fix them in his head but Clints speaking too fast and even after hearing it twice, hes not managed to remember more than two. Perfect. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Matt feels even guiltier. An older man, one often found behind the desk with Brett, sighs. With a deep breath, he takes another step. I need nothing from you. No blood in your ears. Falcon, I presume?. Hes had worse. How fast is Steve? Leave them alone if you have to, stop the team ups, but dont let them kill you.. If hed lingered a few moments more he might have heard Hawkeye noting out loud some of the oddities of his behaviour and linking it to a barely remembered observation from the night before, but well he didnt linger. Clint doesnt seem to notice and shrugs. Youre assuming you know best and its even worse than if you hadnt helped at all., To Matts surprise, Steve cuts Stark off before he can. I deserve my own code name if Im going to run with people as nuts as you guys., Matt smiles despite himself. Uh huh, Steve cuts him off. Theres no space for him to attack, no time for him to think, and hes sure hes only avoided any fatal hits because of his abilities. You cant keep this up. He is the singer of Sam and Cat's favorite band of the same name. For a moment he pauses and listens to Hawkeye make the call. Well, says Hawkeye, dropping down to the ground by the sound of the thump. Stark sighs. Its just words. Matt! Foggy places a gentle hand on Matts chin and turns it so theyre facing another. Okay, I get it. Mr Matt I read my Criminal Law textbook for fun years after we stopped needing to use it Murdock? At least this way hell get it over with and he might keep them out of Hells Kitchen. With a turn of his head, so Foggy cant see his face, Matt admits, And they may have been ah, upset, when I seemingly mixed up the labels on a switch in the bank and hit the lights instead of the alarm.. The leak must have come from the Avengers. And, despite what Foggy might think, Daredevil is just a mask Matt hides behind; a means to an end. Matt has no trouble knocking him out after that; a well trained attack guided by his senses. Do they think vigilantism is a viable solution to our crime problem? Though maybe Matts reading too much into it. His next jump, onto the ground of the alley is nearly as loud and Matt grits his teeth. Lawyers make a living off lawsuits related to them for a reason . This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book series with another writer. I think there's a moment where Clint shows off his marksman skills with firearms, and then says he can do better with a bow. I may have fought alongside an Avenger tonight.. Matt hears him coming blocks away, the steady heartbeat and metallic taste too distinct to be anyone else. Hes halfway across the room before Banner seems to find his voice. Its not like he can say that yes, he can read so long as the letters are raised, handwritten or braille? Matt nods at Captain America, trying to keep any of his childish glee out of his voice and body. Put it in there; thats easier. Matt pauses then adds, Only use one letter and youd probably be best off not using C. Ive already got a contact under that name., H it is then. Matt can hear the beeps of the buttons as Clint adds the number to his phone. Im just admiring the view., Matt rolls his eyes, aware the man cant see it.