I mean, that is like what COVID is, right?. Anyone whos read my work, either here on this blog or over at my not-so-super-secret other blog should know that I do not downplay the severity of measles.) By pretending to serve a national cause, the party imposed limitations on freedoms: The forecast of religious persecution was clothed in the language of religious liberty, for the Nazi program stated, We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State. But, it continues with the limitation, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race.. Wearing masks and contact tracing, with targeted quarantines, are thought to be our best options to be able to emerge from lockdowns and revive the economy, and yet the unholy alliance of antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists feverishly resist these measures, too. Second, it is the traditional venue for discussion and implementation of the ILC's . The two trials are manifestoes for our time. It redefines the production of death itself, beyond wars and natural disasters. John Ziegler Goes Viral Over Lockdown; CA Mayor Defies Newsom Mask Order; Dr. Zelenko's HCQ Protocol Saving Lives; Kids & Masks: Are They Safe? But that's wrong. She had previously clashed with them over data releases and control and had haggled over a variance regarding reopening businesses. There's no evidence the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine is the cause, as viral posts falsely claim. One of the happy delusions that many in the science-based community (including, at least somewhat, myself) and mainstream press have held over the years that has been punctured by the arrival of COVID-19 is that one main reason that antivaccine beliefs persist is that weve forgotten the toll that the diseases against which we vaccinate. He contacted some doctor friends to get the Ivermectin protocol. The FDA has approved use of the drug to treat head lice and some parasitic worms, but not COVID. What are you waiting for? They fail to understand that personal health cant be separated from public health. In relation to COVID-19, anti-vaccine activists have aggressively promoted misinformation from the start of the pandemic. Bigtree, nonetheless, attributed the woman's condition to a COVID-19 vaccine, claiming it was evidence that the vaccine is a "DISASTER." At least two weeks after Bigtree shared the video . Thank God theres drugs out there! "This video shows attorney Reiner Fuellmich telling the world what this Plandemic is all about. You were eating that all the time. Measles in Samoa? Bigtree went on to warn that the medical establishment could "be accused of crimes against humanity" and claimed that "even though they threatened us, we will never stop bringing the truth." And heres a version of the video as posted by The Real Truther, with a fascinating counterpoint at the end: Watch #antivax charlatan @delbigtree of @HighWireTalk: Blame #COVID19 victims for their own deaths Encourage everyone to not wear masks Claim #COVID is as harmless as "the common cold" Encourage people to intentionally catch the virus https://t.co/nc28vZxe90, TheReal Truther (@thereal_truther) June 19, 2020. The opening and closing remarks of the prosecution in both cases themselves, therefore, serve as manifestos. Only unfounded fears to the contrary kept Bigtree from just getting a needed transfusion at the nearest facility. Dec 5th, 2022. When Bigtree joined the program, he made the baseless assertion that recipients of COVID-19 vaccines may face up to a 50% mortality rate if they ever encounter another coronavirus in their lifetimes, echoing a claim that originated from toxic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. For the sake of ideology, hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths occurred, write Deisy Ventura and colleagues After almost six months of investigation, a Brazilian senate inquiry into covid-19 has ended its proceedings by recommending the indictment of federal authorities, government aides, and companies for numerous crimes committed during the pandemic.1 First on the list is Brazil's . For, there are early signs of how the party and its state would operate, slowly normalising discrimination and oppression: The persecution policy against the Jews commenced with nonviolent measures, such as disfranchisement and discriminations against their religion, and the placing of impediments in the way of success in economic life. But I was thinking, you know what, maybe its a bad test, he remembered. 03/03/23 10:09 PM EST, Video & Audio Canada truck protesters call to defy order, Representatives for a group of truckers blockading Canada's capital over COVID-19 restrictions are calling on protesters to defy government orders to vacate the area. Important DOCUMENTS to USE: David Martin on 'Felony Crimes End Pharma Immunity': US Criminal Conspiracy Strikes Root Of Covid Nightmare -- Please DOWNLOAD the .pdfs linked here + Other important links -- From Children's Health Defense. Jackson believed that the Nuremberg was for posterity: We must never forget that the record on which we judge these defendants today is the record on which history will judge us tomorrow. So wrote The New American (TNA) on April 23, 2020 in the "pandemic's" early days. Jackson underscored that the entire party apparatus built on a certain appeal: It also made a strong appeal to that sort of nationalism which in ourselves we call patriotism and in our rivals chauvinism. Do you have access to a blood bank? In this latest clip, which has been viewed over 192,000 times on BitChute andsharedthousands oftimes on Facebook, a woman identified as attorney Viviane Fischer introduces Fuellmich's overview of supposed "crimes against humanity" related to COVID-19. Soon as I arrived, [I] was greeted by the doctors from the hospital there.. Heres where its not exactly the greatest thing to have to share. And so I had a surgery to deal with that., He added, Im sitting on my doughnut right now, in all total candor.. And thank God we live in the United States of America so you dont have to worry about grocery police standing outside a grocery store saying, Really? Its also, Ive noticed, very typical of COVID-19 deniers, many of whose attitude seems to be, Screw the old and chronically ill, I need to golf and get a haircut! Indeed, this attitude started to take root fairly early in the pandemic, when a number of politicians of a certain political bent (you know which one) argued in essence that we need to sacrifice grandpa and grandma in order to save the economy. Blood banks ask those who have received a live virus vaccine to wait two weeks before donating. He would have had no problem taking blood from his wife, who we can presume is unvaccinated. Kennedy falsely claimed that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines alter the function of your genes, potentially causing autoimmune disease in recipients. In June, anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree described COVID-19 as a "cold," blamed . Its great, and theyre fun to hang out with. A video with tens of thousands of views falsely claims an international court is . In its annual report, Trial International, a Geneva-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) even points to a rise in . Influenza hasnt done anything like that in over 100 years! I mean, what are the odds? The Allahabad high court, while affixing responsibility for the deaths, like in the historical trials above, was making exactly the same point. racing heart and shortness of breath and fatigue, actively perpetuating untruths that endanger us all. I like good rich food. Basically, they doubled down on their antivaccine propaganda. Ohios state health director, Amy Acton, resigned last week after facing legal challenges to her authority and protests in front of her home. ", Fuellmich, a German lawyer, was the subject of misinformationlast yearwhen conspiracy theorists falsely claimed he was going to prosecute officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci in an international trial called "Nuremberg 2.0.". For instance, the handwritten diary of Alfred Jodl documented detailed plans by Germany against individual nations: Austria (titled Case Otto), Czechoslovakia (titled Case Green) and others. Crimes always are committed only by persons. This essay focuses on action in the Sixth Committee for two reasons. In the mock trial, the "Grand Jury" is the online audience and the trial is "held" in the "Court of Public Opinion," according to captions on YouTube and Odysee. It was, in short, a cult rather than a party, and this is an important insight into how Parties are made to obey, irrationally, the Leaders edicts (one notes in passing Jacksons stereotyping of the Oriental penchant for idolatory!). While Fuellmich and Fischerare both licensedattorneys,there is no "World Criminal Court." If you suspect COVID-19 health care fraud, report it immediately online or call 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477). He had a primary worry that only an anti-vaxxer could have. Hes contemptuously blaming people with chronic diseases for being chronically ill. Antivaccine thought leader Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote a pseudoscience- and misinformation-filled letter to the Samoan Prime Minister, while antivaccine activists doubled down promoting fear mongering about MMR. Fortunately, this is not an attitude shared by most Americans, although it is de facto policy in too many parts of the country. You decided that the moment mattered, and now you find yourself pharmaceutical-dependent, which is really what that 0.26% is, and thats OK too. Person: Del Bigtree . Saying that he stood with supporters of Donald Trump who refuse to wear masks and commenting on the size of his crowd, Bigtree also bragged that he has been to more superspreader events than almost anyone I know before falsely claiming that there is no such thing as asymptomatic spread of COVID-19. A responsible physician would have told Bigtree to just go to the nearest hospital and stop risking his life unnecessarily. Also read: An Indian Kristallnacht in the Making. Bigtree discusses how vaccines are not required to advertise side effects as opposed to other pharmaceuticals. David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University. One wonders if he views nearly all cancer as preventable when it is not. Some of Bigtrees dangerous claims on his Facebook page are documented below: Bigtrees Facebook page shared a video from a January 6 Washington, D.C., event called the Rally for Health Freedom. The event coincided with other rallies in Washington that day that culminated in a failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. But in the BitChute post,the text is cropped out. It was an instrument of conspiracy and of coercion.. Also, there is a growing body of evidence showing that masks do decrease the rate of transmission of COVID-19 to other people, as I discussed a couple of weeks ago. His rant shows exactly why COVID-19 conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers have such an affinity for each other and have teamed up to Fact check: No evidence of cancer spike linked to COVID-19 vaccines. Jobs People Learning The Informed Consent Action Network is one of the most influential anti-vax groups in the world. At least three anti-vax doctor speakers have referred to current Covid policies as "crimes against humanity", to chants of "lock them up". Antivaccine activists and pandemic minimizers Del Bigtree and Joe Mercola are promoting the myth of the "casedemic" that claims that the massive increase in COVID-19 cases being reported is an artifact of increased PCR testing and false positives due to too sensitive a threshold to the test. And no records are kept regarding what vaccines, if any, particular donors have received. The result was negative. Bigtree was a speaker at the event and made a number of medically dangerous claims after asking the crowd, Are people really dying of COVID-19? Writes the philosopher in Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Cant one terrorize without killing? No. Thus, the Nazi Party as a party was subsumed under the leader, whose iron discipline ensured no dissent: In discipline, structure, and method the Nazi Party was not adapted to the democratic process of persuasion. I want to enjoy my life right now. In November 2020, Facebook removed a page where Del Bigtree, a notorious anti-vaccine figure, broadcast his show -- The High Wire -- to a large online audience. Lets catch this cold! It seems so obvious, so rational, to think that the return of deadly diseases would knock some sense into antivaxxers heads. All hes being asked to do is to wear a facemask when in public around other people, to abide by social distancing guidelines, and to wash his hands and/or use hand sanitizer frequently. In the meantime, a guest host filled in on The Highwire, so as to keep the distortions and delusions flowing. Even if that is true, he seems oblivious to the law of large numbers and unconcerned that, if one million people catch the disease, that means 2,600 dead and that if 100 million people catch the disease (as could happen) that means 260,000 dead. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH Expand search. Crimes against humanity are specific crimes committed in the context of a large-scale attack targeting civilians, regardless of their nationality. Its not just harassment and political resistance. Her neighbors counter-protested in her front yard and put up Dr. After laying down an obvious lie in which he states that he does care about his pharmaceutical-dependent friends, and says that the only thing he can do for them (other than hoping for a vaccine unicorn) is to catch what is just a common cold. Connect with . German efficiency was devoted to mass murder and Nazi politics like that of Milosevics, blinded by devotion to the Great Leader, was a necropolitics. When you reach that point in your life where now your arteries are starting to clog up, your body is shutting down, and the alcohol is eating up your liver, and you have diabetes, or you have multiple COPD, you have asthma, you cant breathe, all the cigarette smoking has finally caught up with you, you have heart disease because of the way you decided to live your life in the moment, heres what you are now. Claiming I dont think God messed up in the creation of humans, Bigtree said, I dont think theres some coronavirus that can override the brilliant immune system that is born into us and that 99.99% of us are showing how great Gods design is, because this virus does nothing to us. (More than 450,000 people in the United States have died from the disease. (The full trial archives, running to 150 volumes in just the Donovan Nuremberg collection and 1800 hours of video in the case of Milosevics, would of course be far more disturbingly instructive.) Isnt it also letting die, not wanting to know that one is letting others die hundreds of millions of human beings, from hunger, AIDS, lack of medical treatment, and so on also be part of a more or less conscious and deliberate terrorist strategy?. But heres whats not OK. (Feb. 16), India sees surge in COVID-19 home testing, On New Year's Eve, the Indian government wrote to states encouraging them to use COVID-19 home tests, especially people experiencing symptoms, in a bid to avoid straining local health systems. U.S. Govt Loses Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit Monday, May 18, 2020 Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. Follow us on Facebook! The Crimes Against Humanity Initiative is an ongoing project of the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute involving the study of crimes against humanity, the drafting and elaboration of a proposed convention on crimes against humanity, and support for efforts to adopt it. Whether Bigtree believes it or not, if he were actually foolish enough to take my sarcastic advice, Id actually feel terrible if he turned out to be one of the minority who develop disease severe enough to require hospitalization, even worse if he were among the smaller minority who end up needing mechanical ventilation, and worse still if he were one of the probably fewer than 1% who die of COVID-19. This sort of attitude is very typical of antivaxxers and is born of how much antivaxxers believe in alternative medicine and natural treatments. But it can take seven to 10 days to test the blood before it is cleared for transfusion. When you boil it down, both groups share a profound resistance to taking the least bit of responsibility for anyone but themselves and a tendency to blame the victim. Theres drugs that allow you to eat the Philly cheesesteak even though your body knows it hates it, but, go ahead, take the Prilosec. Antivaxxers and COVID-19 deniers share that mystical, magical belief system in which they are healthy entirely because of their choices, and they (and their children) are not at risk of horrible outcomes due to infectious disease because of their choices. He then goes into a despicable diatribe, which, in case Bigtree memory-holes his rant, I am transcribing extensively because it is a near-perfect distillation of antivaccine thinking and the screw the old and infirm attitude that many COVID-19 deniers express: What is the group that is really at risk? He then goes on to claim that it might only be one-fifth that, again, without citing the evidence. I was really not paying attention to a growing issue, which was internal hemorrhoids that were getting worse and worse, he said. Most importantly, I was thinking, How the heck am I going to know whether or not the blood Im getting that I need has been vaccinated? Bigtree recalled. It was one of many examples of TNA and other individuals and entities warning over and over again, early .