The past year I have stopped listening to LBC 97.3 and thus my hero James O'Brien because since researching into the main problems that exist within society, I realised there is a much bigger picture. Ive been addicted to the phone-in for forty years, ever since I first heard the magnificently irascible Brian Hayes in what is now OBriens slot. The incident followed in the wake of a celebrated television encounter the previous year, when Eddie Mair (now the host of LBCs drivetime show), : Youre a nasty bit of work, arent you? And it was equally effective. He said: "It suggests that this blameless young woman is not really a poster girl for living on appearance so that has rather blown up in his face as you would expect. We only mention this because a Talk Radio listener took to Twitter to troll James OBrien, a presenter on rival talk station LBC, to ask who else has been switching over to the News UK-owned home of grow-your-own concrete. I ask you, Eamonn Holmes and Anne Diamond. Are we all going to pretend that it isn't every bit as awful as most 'Project Fear' predictions? The sort who didnt play sport and so avoided the life lessons of give and take. Authentic interview with a man full of empathy, gratitude and class. The Global-owned brand reached 3.5m people overall. Just as Johnsons career wasnt arrested by Mairs rudeness, so Farage despite claims in the Left-wing newspapers that hed been hamstrung, skewered, humiliated by OBrien went on to lead Ukip to a stunning victory in the Euro-elections. So although hes the best at it, OBriens not the only one on this tack. For the first time, OBriens listenership has overtaken Ferraris. We are where we are thats his world-weary catchphrase. "She is single & earns less than 30k, rents a room for 775pcm in Central London has student debt, 120 a month on travelling to work saves money every month, goes on foreign holidays & does not need to use a food bank.". I like TalkRadio because, though there is a clear editorial line, they give air time to different points of view. Of course Hitchens eventually changed Grahams mind. Well he is wrong, always and about everything. Award-winning LBC presenter and best-selling author James O'Brien hosts a series of compelling conversations with fascinating people. Ive better ways to spend my time than listening to an opinionated, intolerant, unpleasant host. Apparently not, Mikey. And were very glad they did because the response from OBrien no stranger to schooling people on Twitter was 10/10. Talkradio continues to be the home of popular opinion, delivering another round of record numbers. I consent to New Statesman Media Group collecting my details provided via this form in accordance with the, Q1 2020: LBC News reaching 675,000 weekly listeners in first six months since launch, Q4 2019 BBC Radio 4's Today grows audience by 600,000 during election period, Q1 2019: Radio audiences grow as 32m tune in to news and current affairs, Select and enter your corporate email address, launched in June 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, RTS Awards: Jeremy Paxman warns of f**k all budget reporting, drug-assisted Dan Walker ribs Piers Morgan, Top 50 news websites in the world in January 2023: CBS and New York Times see biggest growth, Hundreds of BBC journalists to strike on Spring Budget day over local radio cuts, peak audience of 400,000 viewers for his debut Uncensored show, grew its audience for the ninth RAJAR in a row, Q42021: Times Radio audience falls by a fifth as Talkradio and LBC growth continues, Q3 2021: Times Radio reaches 637,000 weekly listeners as Radio 4 Today dips to 6.5m, ABCs: Regional dailies see average print decline of 19% (but online looking brighter), Top 50 news sites in the US in January: CBS News fastest-growing site, Sun enters top 20, Podcast 36: The future of womens magazines, with Cosmo UK editor Claire Hodgson, Podcast 35: Setting up a paywall in UK local news, with Edward McCann of the Belfast Telegraph, Future of Media Explained 34: The future of climate journalism, with Carbon Briefs Leo Hickman, Editorial standards/Complaints and Corrections, Senior Executive/SVP or Corporate VP or equivalent. I keep trying the O Brien show because my friends like it, I dont and want to check Ive got it right. James commented: "The question of independence was of course never really questioned. 1.9m WEEKLY LISTENERS ADDING A MASSIVE 500,000, SMOOTH HITS A NEW RECORD IN LONDONINCREASING ITS AUDIENCEBY ALMOST A THIRD Among his rivals, the most convincing for a while was, ironically, Nigel Farage, who had his own show on LBC for three years and who proved like George Galloway on TalkSport to be genuinely interested in having an argument with dissenting callers. The weird thing is, Leavers could so easily have been seen as brave heroes had the narrative been different. No. We have live interviews and debates and you can even phone in to join in the conversation. LBC, the UKs largest commercial talk brand, meanwhile also grew its audience for the ninth RAJAR in a row. We welcome applications to contribute to UnHerd please fill out the form below including examples of your previously published work. Hold a mirror up for narcissists and youll never be out of work. But the pandemic has changed the way we listen to radio. I listen to presenters across the political spectrum but James OBrien, I just cant stand him. "Go on seriously, riddle me that", he added. Fighting the globalist powers, the bureaucrats, not doing as they were told, this is the stuff of legend. He has no idea how offensive and arrogant this is. 4pm - 7pm. Your privacy is important to us. As always physiognomy remains your best guide. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. . Fighting for quality news media in the digital age. And he wasnt above a bit of old-fashioned union-bashing; during a 2007 tube strike, he suggested that Londoners retaliate by boycotting the leader of the RMT: If Bob Crow turns up at your shop, pub, cafe or minicab firm, dont serve him.. . Whats the difference between that situation and a group of German children moving in next door? I have lately become suspicious of phone-ins, as I think activists have woken up to their potential, like a form of entryism, and have just now started wondering about all those emails MPs are said to be receiving. Its also why LBC has with the exceptions of Eddie Mair and Shelagh Fogarty not poached presenters from the BBC. O Brien proves me right pretty well every time I try it. Although the BBC continues to dominate the radio market including speech radio, the corporation fared less well than its commercial rivals when it came to audience growth. His ratings have, however, since fallen reaching a low of 40,300 earlier this week according to Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB) reported by the i. GB News which recently started simulcasting its audio feed as a radio station reached 239,000 people a week, eclipsing, said GB News, talkRADIOs launch. LBC News Earlier this year presenter Maajid Nawaz was asked to leave the broadcaster after tweets he posted linking Covid-19 vaccinations and conspiracy theories. In this episode of The Six Figure Home Studio, Chris rants about irresponsible business partners and contractors. Sometimes first impressions count for more than a broadcaster would like. Use the Global Player app to listen to live radio for LBC & LBC News. Jacob Rees-Mogg will give us an early guide to Brexiteer thinking when he pops up on Good Morning Britain at 7.25 a.m. Chicken and egg: One official Playbook spoke to said the DUP would not be given advance sight of any deal before it is presented to the Commons, adding that an agreement did not require the "consent" of any party or grouping. James loves sneering at people who dont live in the same woke, hyper-intelligent universe he imagines himself to inhabit. 2 hrs 18 min; 1 MAR 2023; The conmen now want your sympathy The conmen now want your sympathy. Ashley Tabor-King OBE, Founder & Executive President of Global. Comedian Phil Wang has decided he's got to start being silly in response to a world which he thinks is getting serious. The Ukip leader had recently remarked that hed be concerned if a group of Romanian men moved in next door, and OBrien demanded an explanation. Sometimes you should think about things before you speak about them, he said, which isnt really how it works. Absolutely pathetic individual with no obvious intellect. cookies His biggest story came in 2009 when he joined in the tabloid baiting of Frank Lampard over his treatment of his ex-girlfriend, only to find the footballer, somewhat enraged, calling in. OBrien is successful, I think, because, with the advent of mass university education, there are millions of idiots out there who, sunk in the absolute narcissism which is the main product of our atomized western nations, came into the world with the foundational assumption that they were carrying knowledge that no one before them ever had. People like JOB insinuate it must be corrupt Tories who cover up child abusers, as if that is what it means to be right wing when we all know a lot of that goes on on the left, from Cyril Smith and PIE to the systematic cover ups of Muslim grooming gangs overwhelmingly in Labour constituencies. or Use the Global Player app to listen to live radio for LBC & LBC News. Mike Graham on TalkRADIO is so much better. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have drawn headlines amid their Netflix docuseries - but now, one angry caller has ranted to LBC's James O'Brien about why Meghan Markle reminds him of his exes.. Richard in Chelmsford said he had been "looking forward" to the call before sharing the different reasons as to why he wasn't a fan of the royal and certainly didn't hold back. A flat track bully as they would say in cricketing terms. The more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger shtick is unintentionally hilarious. He sits in his echo chamber and most of us would rather hear all sides of discussion. RECORD-BREAKING 1.1m WEEKLY LISTENERS, LBC BREAKFAST WITH NICK FERRARI ACHIEVES A RECORD 1.4m WEEKLY LISTENERS, GLOBAL HAS THE #1 & #2COMMERCIAL STATIONS IN LONDON He often comes across as sanctimonious, superior and smug, of course, but thats part of the schtick, integral to his appeal. Unless your life was horribly affected by Beechs fantasies, this is mostly good knockabout fun. The steady politicisation of BBC hosts is why Im almost at the point of giving up on BBC radio altogether, finding a better alternative in a few podcasts in which there is a serious and in-depth discussion, and which can include people of different political beliefs. Menu Home; Rankings. Politics gave O'Brien an opportunity. But after one particularly violent incident in South East London, Collins began passing on his secrets to the other side. tax-lawyer Jolyon Maugham. I see the psychopathology of James OBrien as the archetypal guilt of the public school class. The audience for my three hour show is now almost three times the size of the total audience for the entire station you mention here. There has been a concerted effort to associate being conservative or right wing with anything bad. James O'Brien spoke to listeners after a Tory MP controversially used his staffer as an example of a person who can get by living in London on less than 30,000 a year. He gets the best from his guests. James O'Brien should be sacked from LBC and his show cancelled with immediate effect. Fallout 76 Enclave Military Wing Vendor, Poverty Rate In Cambodia, Acinar Adenocarcinoma Prostate Gleason Score, Ashford Creek Townhomes For Rent, David Mulugheta House, Another Word For Checking Up, Wow Classic Server Population Oceanic, Effects Of Microplastics On . OBrien was like the clever bullying 6th former but with a seriously nasty streak. Only now do we know the claims were not true but, most importantly, not at all credible. If you like talk radio, then Ferrari followed immediately by Mike Graham is the way to go. OBrien has a touch of angry gamer about him. The more I hear commercial radio the more repellent I find it, the comedian Kenneth Williams noted in his diary, back in 1973, the year LBC became Britains first legally approved independent radio station. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. The ruination, of which there was much, came about directly and solely from the policy decisions and egregious actions of the state prosecuting agency and senior police officers who ditched discretion and enthusiastically investigated the claims. GLOBAL HAS THE TOP 2 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BREAKFAST SHOWS IN THE UK, HEART BREAKFAST WITH JAMIE THEAKSTON & AMANDA HOLDENIS THE BIGGEST COMMERCIAL BREAKFAST SHOW IN THE UKWITH A MASSIVE 4.1m WEEKLY LISTENERS, CAPITAL BREAKFAST WITH ROMAN KEMP You know what the difference is, he replied, but OBrien denied any such thing: I honestly dont., He did know. OBrien was like the clever bullying 6th former but with a seriously nasty streak. My morning routine is Ferrari (LBC) and then just before 10am switch to Mike Graham (TalkRadio) I just cant stand hearing JOBs voice anymore. We know this because theres a simple measure of how a radio station sees its presenters: the calibre of the person chosen to sit in for them when theyre away. Beechs lies ruined peoples lives. collects facts that confirm his world view. If home-working is killing off breakfast radio, is it too much to hope for that it also kills off the far more vacuous and pathetic breakfast TV? Award-winning LBC presenter and best-selling author James OBrien hosts a series of compelling conversations with fascinating people. Paranoia turns self-hatred into hatred of all he sees as privileged. I don't know which is worse. He is credited with reestablishing the Labour Party as a mainstream, centrist political force after a period of hard-left internal conflict. The latter comment seemed to be straying into conspiracist territory, a sometimes unclear but always present danger on social media. Over 26m weekly listeners Globals highest ever audience figures Extending its position as the UKs #1 commercial radio company with, Figures sourced from: RAJAR / Ipsos-MORI / RSMB, Global He sneers at such length and with such frequency and intensity that his features have set into a permanent sneer that is frightening to behold. Please click here to submit your pitch. He weaselled and deflected never once mentioning the many people whose lives were ruined by the utterly far-fetched fantasy accusations that he had so enthusiastically promulgated. He reserves a good deal of his scorn for the cap-doffing, forelock-tugging types who arent as articulate as him. He has a range of tones, from sympathy for callers with tales of suffering, through to patronising sarcasm for those who dont agree with him. You cant be so glib as to suggest that was, in any context, mostly good knockabout fun. NOW REACHES MORE THAN 1 MILLION LISTENERSIN LONDON ALONE, GLOBAL HAS THE #1 & #2COMMERCIAL BREAKFAST SHOWS IN LONDONFOR REACH, HOURS AND SHARE, LBCs NICK FERRARI AT BREAKFAST A proper debating arena demands that you can understand and describe to a sufficient extent the argument made by the other side. Times Radios Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell beat their own last quarter performance attracting an average of 266,000 listeners, compared to 255,000 in the three months to December. To accomplish this he carefully curates his callers, to make sure they are either articulate sycophants to sing his praises, or inarticulate people who he easily trips up, and humiliates. Unless your life was horribly affected by Beechs fantasies, this is mostly good knockabout fun. his offensive comments made on his show claiming 'Those who support the likes of Donald Trump, Viktor Orbn and Marine Le Pen have switched sides and have joined forces with Nazis and have no right to wear the poppy' his comments should be retracted and he Yes the virtue signalling is a disease in that population. But even then there were naysayers. Aimed at marketers and those involved in the advertising industry. You know, open, honest debate. I also get a blast and frequent laughs from the cathartic scattergun swearing on The Thought Police podcast with Mike Graham and Kevin OSullivan. How do I find listening figures for James O'Brien? OBrien has an animus against the Sun, the Daily Telegraph and, particularly, the Daily Mail though he is quieter about the Express, where he once edited the papers gossip column. He has a fan club of Remoaner leftards, doffing their cap as he would put it. Second obnoxious score only to Vanessa Redgraves early morning R2 show. Never forget the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn by James O'brien, it was relentless and lasted for weeks. But even then there were naysayers. James O'Brien has praised Rishi Sunak's highly anticipated Brexit deal announcement, saying the Prime Minister is "remarkable" and deserves a "round of applause". A juvenile approach to thinking but sometimes amusing and entertaining, sometimes repulsively offensive. The numbers, the stations third RAJAR results, are its best yet. Radio call-in shows generally only attract the weird and the extreme. O'Brien claimed this morning that the greater the uptake of the jabs and the boosters, the less chance there is of a fourth or a fifth wave of Covid-19. After dropping out of a chemistry course he didn't want to start, a young Terry caught the eye of a TV producer, kickstarting his presenting career. People listen to LBC because they are lonely and . And it wasnt any notions of fair play that stopped their persecution of one smaller pupil, it was being belted (with the tawse) by the then Headmaster rather heavily a move supported by almost everyone I talked to at the school). This is a catch-up version of James O'Brien's live, daily show on LBC Radio. We also use cookies on for personalisation, analytics and ads. Sent at around 10am UK time. But it does lose sight of what used to be the central value of the phone-in show: the way it served as a mass focus-group. Following a meeting with the European . His anger can lead him into strange territory: critics of the Leveson Report get dismissed as people bleating about how the government shouldnt control the press. The exception was the BBC World Service which saw a large audience gain of 1.5m weekly listeners - a quarter-on-quarter rise of 22%. Others have fallen by the wayside. OBrien is a particularly egregious example of the host who doesnt argue in good faith. He is not a serious political commentator rather an entertainer. O'brien knew that by installing the Tories it would only help his listening figures. Callers are allowed to claim that the vaccine stops infection or stops transmission and the presenter will allow the claim to pass unchallenged. He has told us so often that Boris Johnson is Britains Donald Trump, that the two have eventually blurred into one, and a diatribe against the former is invariably laced with references to the latter. By continuing to browse you are agreeing to our use of these cookies. Official RAJAR listener figures, released on Thursday, reveal that Ferrari now reached 1.295 million listeners in the 7am-10am slot. The sort who didnt play sport and so avoided the life lessons of give and take, and any experience of the triumph and disaster impostors. A discussion with James O'Brien on LBC 97.3 about the eviction of travelers on Dale farm in the UK. "As the national and international news agenda continues to be a focus for more and more people, listeners are turning to brands they trust for analysis. What was society to think? Please tell me Im wrong, he pleads. I agree with Kenneth Williams, cant bear talk, never listen, but maybe Im just a snob! Well, at my school (a well-known Edinburgh Scots Grammar one) the four 6th form bullies were all rugger players, so your generalization doesnt seem to hold up. They spout platitudes from right-on leftie literature about equality and struggle and rich old white men, there are lots of lovely buzzwords like problematic and patriarchy, without ever really questioning it at all until reality hits you in the face of course. View our Privacy Statement for more details. . His political analysis is broad-brush, to put it politely. I just dont. But he is happy to suggest that democracy is dictated by a small group of press barons the non-dom billionaires who installed Boris Johnson in Downing Street and even to allude to the one at the back of the room, pulling all the strings. Because while the tone of more-in-sorrow-than-anger piety may irritate some, it provides a self-righteous safety-blanket for others. Then he does meta-patronising, whereby he says It isnt your fault you voted Leave, its the fault of the people who conned you. After some Tory MPs expressed anger that Partygate investigator Sue Gray was offered a job as Sir Keir Starmer's chief of staff, James O'Brien ridiculed the MPs, claiming they were unsure of what they were "supposed to be angry about". So although hes the best at it, OBriens not the only one on this tack. Emily Sheffield is Leading Britain's Conversation. terms of use Wireless was among the broadcasters that said that the recent RAJAR results also reflected growing audience engagement. O'Brien on top Meanwhile O'Brien has hit 1.307 million. Privacy manager, HEART BREAKFAST WITH JAMIE THEAKSTON & AMANDA HOLDEN, Heart Breakfast with Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden, Capital XTRA Breakfast with Yinka and Shayna Marie, As the voice of the nation throughout the pandemic, more people are tuning into. All of this works equally well from the opposite political position, of course. His big break came in the form of The Word, a youth-led and often anarchic TV show for Channel 4. News UK announced on Wednesday it is adding two new presenters to its breakfast lineup to cover the weekends, including Chloe Tilley who will be joining from the BBC. Seriously, though, you can tell hes got some cajones with his talks with Peter Hitchens the two disagreed on the lockdown at first, but Graham allowed Peter on because he felt it was right to allow a different perspective on the programme. LBC and BBC radio see dips in listeners Meanwhile, RAJAR figures show LBC was the biggest commercial speech radio broadcaster in the UK in the second quarter with weekly reach of 3.3 million, down . Windsor Framework released as update to Northern Ireland Protocol 10:36 1-Mar-23. James O'Brien thought playing back these Brexit promises would be fun, but was instead left fumingThis video clip is from an LBC show presented by James O'Brien on 04/11/22.Listen to the full show on Global Player: #Brexit #LBCLBC is the home of live debate around news and current affairs. Subscribe to get a new episode every Frida or The sound of his smug self righteous voice winds me up even when I think he has a good point, which is occasionally true. OBrien led a calculated witch-hunt by promoting those lies over many months. I struggle to credit that either OBrien or (the then) Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Tom Watson, could have been taken in by such obvious fantasy, but they seemed to be so keen to believe that prominent people were involved in the rape and murder of children that they put aside all their critical faculties in order to convince themselves. For that alone if nothing else J OB should have lost his JOB., Global 2023 From Q3 2021, RAJAR adopted a new approach that relies on a broader group of data sources and includes panellist and MediaCell technology for the first time, alongside face-to-face interviewing. This requires a different attitude, which is why OBrien never really made the grade when presenting Newsnight. In those days, you were as likely to find him interviewing Dick and Dom as Ken Clarke. Ask why the vaccine manufacturers need legal indemnity or try to explain that the young and healthy appear to face greater risks from the vaccine than from Covid and your call will be terminated by medical experts such as Ferrari. Wireless Talkradio, which now airs programming from News UKs new TalkTV channel in the evenings although this had not launched in time for the latest RAJAR results, also saw double-digit audience growth of 20%. James Rea, Director of Broadcasting & Content at Global, The Kanneh-Mason family takeover on Classic FM launches Sunday 26th February, 9pm The UKs most famous classical music family is joining Classic, CAPITAL LAUNCHES NEW RADIO STATION NON-STOP CHILLED BEATS THE UKS NEWEST RADIO STATION Capital, from Global, today announced a brand new radio, Global soars! He has no guests and rants on about Brexit and Trump every day. JOB gives us challenge, curiosity and a useful check on a right wing biased press. Nick Abbott is quality though The national digital station launched in June 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic and recorded 637,000 average weekly listeners in its first set of results in the third quarter of 2021. To check these stats and get a feel for the show's audience size, you'll need to upgrade your account. The question to ask is why LBC chose to be a propaganda vehicle for Covid vaccines and vaccine mandates. "The details of her life are not fit for public consumption so inevitably people on Twitter and beyond dived into the details of her life. He has told us so often that Boris Johnson is Britains Donald Trump, that the two have eventually blurred into one, and a diatribe against the former is invariably laced with references to the latter. LBC's Nick Ferrari and James O'Brien meanwhile drew in the biggest listenership of the commercial players, with 1.4m weekly listeners each. bug bounty Having lost the debate, he calls his dissenters thick and racist. But the pandemic has changed the way we listen to radio. The din created by the half-baked talking to the half-educated is horrible.. He did know. And OBrien celebrated his latest listening figures, published this week, in the best way possible. Because while the tone of more-in-sorrow-than-anger piety may irritate some, it provides a self-righteous safety-blanket for others. Personally, Im a little saddened by this development, because I. want the old-fashioned version. on the web. He doesnt know what hes missing. But he is at least aware of his own humble place in the pantheon of polite society: he fawningly asked the fox-killing, kimono-wearing. Ferraris audience figures were back up after slumping slightly at the end of last year. Yes ! This requires a different attitude, which is why OBrien never really made the grade when presenting. London James Rea, director of broadcasting and content at Global, said: "Its fantastic to see that radio remains such an essential part of peoples lives and listening continues to grow with Globals best ever number and the highest ever reach for British commercial radio. We only mention this because a Talk Radio listener took to Twitter to troll James O'Brien, a presenter on rival talk station LBC, to ask who else has been switching over to the News UK-owned home of grow-your-own concrete. Much more serious, you see. Maajid was one of the most thoughtful presenters on LBC. She called for a final solution to the problem of terrorism, while he spoke against the Covid vaccine and railed against the network of fascists who seek a New World Order. Contrary to the lies on social media, regurgitated regularly by the likes of Left-wing public school poseur James O'Brien on LBC Radio, in a pathetic attempt to discredit me, I don't 'live' in Florida.