Other students take as many as a -the mascots by college. Regular shuttles large carriages where in the book: Aerojaunt Field (see chapter 4)drawn by horselike automata run on an hourly and Captain Dappiewings Manor (see chapter 3).schedule between a station near the Biblioplex and THE BIBLIOPLEXeach of the satellite campuses, making the journey The center of Strixhaven is the Biblioplex, the uni-in about 15 minutes. Strixhaven PDF - DNDWiki CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION 4,JOBS DORMITORIESWorking in gainful employment while at school can Jobs: Cleanup crew member, events assistant, front-provide a character with a modicum of cash andhelp forge connections with student coworkers. Each player group, you can run this books adventures without those rules, simply narrating the effects of related en- should have a copy to use during the course of the adventures. -4 TO STRIXHAVENABOUT THIS BOOK Finally, student characters are part of a schoolThis book is your guide to life at Strixhaven in DUN- community. Player characters, including owlin, typically fall intoFeats offers Strixhaven-themed feats for use with the same ranges of height and weight that humans A Curriculum of Chaos and other adventures. On the Cover Search. 2 I hope this all makes sense to me one day. An alternative art cover with a distinctive design and soft-touch finish is available exclusively in game stores now. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSILVERY BARBS and regain a number of hit points equal to the rolllst-Level Enchantment plus your spellcasting ability modifier. CUDDLY STRIXHAVEN MASCOT Wondrous Item, Common Representing one of the mascots of Strixhaven, this .soft, Tiny, magic toy is perfect for cuddling If you press it to your arm, shoulder, or leg as an action, the toy stays attached there for 1 hour or until you use an action to remove it.2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSThis toy can also be used to fight off fear. Witherblooms mascots, pests, area college, spend virtually all their remaining school naturally found in the world around the campus.years on that campus and study with those profes- The other colleges mascots are brought into beingsors, diving into their preferred area of study and through magic. In general, a character ABILITY CHECKScan approach Studying in any way they desire, with Each Exams Testing phase consists of two abilitythat phase then culminating in a single ability check checks, with specifics (including the DC) noted in the encounter. STRIXHAVEN STADIUMWAGEA student who works a Job gains 5 gp at the start of Jobs: Cleanup crew member, entertainment assis-each week that they hold the Job. character, you may roll once on the Witherbloom Trinkets table, instead of on the Trinkets table in theWITHERBLOOM SPELLS Players Handbook , for your starting trinket. The primer has the druid or wizard spell list. The funds theygenerate fuel the clubs activities. Three Strixhaven students find distractions from their studies in Magali Villeneuve's cover illustration. option for each Strixhaven college, linking a char- HEIGHT AND WEIGHT acter to one of the five colleges. Hunt for Mage Tower, in chapter 4, takes place during the charac- haven campaign, and each adventure provides in- ters second year at the university, and so on. Just add D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos of DasKnguru to My Favorites. Three Strixhaven students find distractions from their studies in Magali Villeneuve's cover illustration. The five Founder Dragons are thought to for the more specialized work to follow. To her, carefully measured strokes and delib- technique in any artistic pursuit. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos now. What is this book? do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher to do it again. He displays somethingorderly progression toward an ideal. it might briefly surround the targets with shimmer- ing fractal designs or tessellated patterns.PRISMARI TRINKETS BUILDING A QUANDRIX CHARACTER d6 Trinket Any spellcasting class or subclass can work well 1 A pair of rose-tinted glasses with glittery frames for a Quandrix character. The Principlefestations of the written word, scribing patterns of column notes which side of the radiance-shadowrunic ink in the air. The or individually, as described below. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. So, should you grab this D&D Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos? Strixhaven: A Syllabus of Sorcery is a companion book to Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.This book expands upon the content provided in Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos in order to provide DMs with more ways to customize their Strixhaven campaign.The information contained in this book is completely modularized and can be added wherever you see fit to enhance your game. Search. Valentin is a kind of sangromancer he re-The decay philosophy sees life energy as a resource ceives visions from the blood he consumes, whichto be consumed, rather than a good to be nourished he uses to learn things about a creature or place.for its own sake. Strixhaven has a place for anyone who is dedicated to magic-enhanced study.expulsion might hang over their head. 2021 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Mages seek them outsuffuses all existence in the worlds of D&D. .123Running the Adventures 44 .Ch 5: The Magisters Masquerade124 43Strixhaven Tracking Sheet Running This Adventure 125Extracurriculars 44 Cordially Invited 126Jobs 45 Reception at Bows End 127 42Exams Fate at Furygale 130Relationships 48 Advanced Arcane HistoryFellow Students 50 Exam: Relics 134 51 Aurora Luna Wynterstarr .. Dressing for Success 135Bhedum Sooviij 54 Party Preparations 138Cadoras Damellawar 52 Advanced Arcane HistoryDrazhomir Yarnask 52 Exam: Devices 139Grayson Wildemere 53 Suspicions 140Greta Gorunn 53 Fancying Up Footwork 140Javenesh Stoutclaw 54 Preparing the Hall 141 54Larine Arneza Advance to 7th Level! of someone who has lived and died (or who will Few know that archaics existence is linked to a one day live and die) as an Oracle. Decay ious ingredients for withering magic GrowthTheyre at home riding zombie crocodiles down a Growthlanguid river, picking herbs for a potion to treat a 2 Bleed doctor, drain the essence of liv- Decaydisease, brooding over a chorus of swamp frogs, or ing creatures to fuel sinister spellssummoning fearsome avatars of nature. In most cases, the arches simply arms or contemplating existence through their eye, which functions as a magical focus of somefloat inexplicably silent, immovable, and inert. STRIXHAVEN PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETYJOB BENEFITS Jobs: Cleanup crew member, general assistant, re-While a student has a Job, they earn a wage and a freshments expert, stagehand, ticket taker, usher Coworker: Larine ArnezaRelationship Point, as explained below. Most stu- Witherbloom Pest Mascotdents eventually graduate, though, and they walk a The five kinds of mascots act as companions forvariety of paths after leaving the university. 2nd Enlarge/ Reduce, Vortex Warp (in this book) 5 Im beset with such an overwhelming sense of 3rd Aura of Vitality, Haste ennui regarding my art. Strixhaven Curriculum of Chaos AnyFlip PDF Free Download. There is one 1st level spell and four 2nd level spells, meaning everything in this book is rather low-level. Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. Mage-students meet at the Rose Stage to prac-his price. FURYGALE Characters might encounter Instructor Minexes in At the outskirts of the Prismari campus, the aban- doned creations of thousands of past artist-mageschapter 6. have coalesced over the years into the notoriousPRISMARI CAMPUS .region of Furygale Roped off by magical wards Southwest of the central campus, the Prismari and warning signs, Furygale is several acres ofcampus shown on map 1.3 is situated in a region ever-changing magical energy, gales of ice and windof jagged rocks, rugged spires, and intense geother- and fire, and elementals gone rogue. . WELCOME TO STRIXHAVEN 5STRIXHAVEN S WORLD a place of great magic, such as the site of a greatStrixhaven bills itself as the premier institution of mages birth or the location of a time-lost spell.magical learning in the world, but the question that Other folk believe these arches are connected withraises for your campaign is this which world? The spells also appear on the classon the college you choose, as specified in the Strix-haven Spells table. WITHERBLOOM PRIMER In addition, if you study the primer at the end ofa long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell from Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunementthe bard or sorcerer spell list. Strixhaven is a place of for future generations. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) the archaics in some way (see Archaics and the Or- acle below). Simultaneously, mage-artists sculpt over the course of a long career typically at least twenty years hope to be recognized with the title elemental energy to create animate art, and arcane of esteemed professor. They can be seen striding through the The star arches are a mystery left over from the wilds, exploring sources of magic with their manybirth of the world. On atution saving throw, taking 2d6 necrotic damage ona failed save, or half as much damage on a success- 1, the bottle refuses to dispense coffee for the nextful one. (In truth, though he did possess prodigiousNazzari always want to see art that is bigger, more talent, they were also growing tired of their house being randomly struck by lightning or engulfed inradical in concept, and more emotionally powerful. Remind the player that while their charac- Relationship Points their character has with each NPC; whether that NPC is a Friend, a Rival, or a ter holds a job, the character gains a positive or negative Relationship Point with its associated Beloved; whether that NPC confers Beloved Inspi- student coworker, whom they should also note on ration; and that NPCs Bond Boon or Bond Bane, this sheet. Each crea- the bottle.ture of your choice in that area must make a Consti- Each time you drink the coffee, roll a d20. Strixhaven A Curriculum Of Chaos ( D& D Beyond Rip) Constantly changing strands of ele-mental magic. Its studies include varioussubdivisions of history (military history, social his- collectively.tory, cultural history), archaeology, anthropology, The perspective of chaos, by contrast, emphasizespsychology, sociology, religion, and economics. It individual actions, personal bonds of families and friends, and the disruptive force of lone, passionateoverlaps with Prismari College in the field of arthistory, with some students splitting their studies people in history. Its mages explore the past by poring holds philosophy. Download PDF Share Related Publications. Unless explic-Beloved 3 itly stated, assume that anywhere from a few daysRival -2 to a few weeks passes between the events of an ad-USING THE MAPS 7 venture. a Relationship. Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos (D&D Beyond) Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos (D&D Beyond) Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos (D&D Beyond) Click to view in fullscreen Zoom In. If you make an Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check while holdingQUANDRIX PRIMER the primer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourselfWondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement a ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after youby a Spellcaster) roll the d20.The Quandrix Primer is a magic textbook created In addition, if you study the primer at the end of a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell fromat Strixhavens Quandrix College. 3 I believe everyone has the ability to express their QUANDRIX SPELLS truest selves through art, and I m happy to quietly Spell Level Spells push them in the right direction. and ray of frost. The player notes here the names of gain a positive or negative Relationship Point with each student NPC with whom their character has its associated student NPC. Such a session zero allows Die, but must do so before you say whether the you to ascertain players comfort with these rules. They burn perpetually the ground, stands a smaller university landmark:with magical flame, symbolizing the path toward Bows End Tavern, which serves as a hangout forlearning and an escape from ignorance. If you make an Intelligence (History) or dation) or a Charisma (Persuasion) check whilean Intelligence (Religion) check while holding the holding the primer, you can expend 1 charge to giveprimer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourself yourself a ld4 bonus to the check, immediately aftera ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after you you roll the d20.roll the d20. Their irregular spokes evoke the radiat- Mysteriously linked to the Oracle, archaics areing lines of a shining star. Within an hour, she convinced him to free.ink magic is merciless Scant with praise and quick her, abandon his wicked ways, and seek wisdomwith a cutting remark, Dean Lu has seen manymage-students scrub out of Strixhaven and has from the archaics.nothing good to say about those who cant hack it. He has an extensive networkof connections on and off campus, and he can pro- made of magical ink (tributes left by spectators ofcure just about anything so long as you can afford past performances), which creates excellent acous- tics. Search . Whether student adventur- culture encourages finding magical solutions to theers get caught up in a duel with their rivals or face a most mundane problems, and if characters needdreaded mage hunter, the stat blocks in this chapter access to a spell they cant cast, they have a stronggive you the information you need to resolve the chance of finding someone who can cast it.situation. Golwanda plays her role with relish, doing her best to strike terror into the studentscall of historical stories, as well as his potent scroll with her bloodcurdling screams and howls of rage.magic. Prismari mages use magic 1 Aesthemancer, studying abstract prin- Perfectionto weave the elements into their creations; theymight juxtapose fire alongside paint, ceramics, or ciples of beauty for insight into thefabric, or they might choreograph elaborate works workings of the multiversethat unite a dancers movements with gusts and ed-dies of air. The backother spaces where orators can perform their craft. Embed D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos to websites for free. Every Way D&D's Strixhaven Is Like Persona 5 - ScreenRant members mentioned in chapter 1 include genasi, tri- The characters are also subject to the authority tons, and even a bipedal brown bear.of the universitys faculty and staff members. Murgaxor who uses evil magic to sustain his life Chapters 1 and 2 contain all the information the force focuses his all-consuming desire for revenge players need to play Strixhaven students. Appendix: Campus Map. Most patrons come for the live mu-ARCHWAY COMMONS sic, deliciously greasy food, and various potions andJust south of the Biblioplex, a star arch curves over- beverages. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSuggested Characteristics. Is the courseergy from old tomes, and summoning the spirits of of time driving toward a well-ordered ideal statelong-dead historical figures. First. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos is a new MTG D&D setting from the Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG), can be You can then choose a different creature you can purchased on campus using the prices in the Magicsee within range (you can choose yourself). The Witherbloom Primer is a magic textbook cre-Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice ated at Strixhavens Witherbloom College. The primer has 3 charges, and it regains ld3 expendedof Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. STRIXHAVEN. Two successful ability checks mean the char-cult questions, or using mnemonics or other memo-rization techniques to absorb academic material. Remind players that while their check mark when they expend the die.& MEMORIES ' STRIXHAVENRELATIONSHIPSName Points Relationship Inspiration Boon / Bane REPORT CARDS EXTRACURRICULARS 1 2 '#1 #1 ' 3 #2 Name d4 Skills Member Rerolls d YEAR 3 Skills #3 Skills Skills Rerolls d4 i YEAR JOB#2 #i . D&D: 'Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos'- Weaponized Polyamory at Even when open, theComponents: V, S, M (a withered vine twisted bottle wont accept any liquid other than the coffee into a loop)Duration: Instantaneous it produces. They can cause entire WITHERBLOOM SCHOLARS Principleforests to blossom out of nowhere or call down Decay d8 Scholar Decayold curses that scourge flesh from bone. (If you are a multiclass character with multi- 5 I can speak eloquently about the historical ramifica- tions of an ancient war. 6 Before I graduate, I want to achieve something mathematically impossible. She loves passing on herknowledge of medicinal herbs, pest mascot culti-vation, and dissection techniques to generations ofnew students, and she almost always has a pot oftea brewing.CHAPTER | STRIXHAVENYEDORA, GRAVE GARDENER swamp creatures: bats, crocodilian monsters, zom- bified animals, lumbering beasts called brackishYedora (neutral treant) is the head groundskeeper trudges, and canine creatures called groffs (brack-and unofficial undertaker of Strixhaven. It is situated in the northeastern portion ofa continent called Orrithia, also known as the Vast- earth motes, and other weird locales.lands, which is populated by a tremendous variety FOUNDER DRAGONSof peoples.