Also remember that each sorority is special in their own way and just because you arent in the same chapter as your friend or someone else doesnt mean you cant be friends or be supportive of their chapter. AXis PC is a lot prettier than ADPi, KD, and DGs pledge class from what Ive seen. Obviously every girl going through rush wants to get into the "best" sorority on their campus and wants to be part of the "top tier." It's not just a few. That Certain Look. They have heavier girls in their sorority and would completely humiliate their pledges by making them strip down in front of their brother frat to circle 'prob' areas in a sharpie. This is complete nonsense and pure garbage. They are held to a higher standard, which pushes them to be the best that they can be. You said nice things about every chapter just to forget dg so you could say something rude. I was exposed to a bunch of them my sophomore year in college, and learned a bit through "osmosis" although I can completely understand not wanting to pledge! They are leaders. Chi O, Delta Zeta, Alpha Phi, and Alpha Chi Omega were pretty accurate according to the different campuses I have visited. I hope that whoever wrote this or may read this can see beyond stereotypes. Zeta: Less classy than Chi O and Tri Delt, usually girls who prioritize their reputation and their instagram pictures over everything else. The following are among the largest national sororities that are members of the National Panhellenic Conference, an umbrella organization comprising 26 member groups. After being exposed to many sororities in my sophomore year in college, I arrived at these decisions and learned a bit through osmosis.. Some sororities are more social than others, hosting parties and events while others are more low-key. These chapters are under the authority of one of UT Austin's seven Greek council communities, Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Latino Pan-Hellenic Council, Texas Asian Pan-Hellenic Council, Multicultural Greek Council, United Greek Council and University Panhellenic Council. Chi O AXID is last. Learn for yourself. sorority reputations - University of Texas at Austin - UT | Alai UPC is the largest women's organization at The University of Texas at Austin with over 3,000 members Nice enough. Our main mission is to enhance women's college experiences through social events, sisterhood, meaningful friendships, community service, academic achievement, and the development of real-world skills. Maybe because of the money they bring with them, their houses tend to be one of the nicest on campus. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. I also know they party--but that is not their focus (particularly after freshman year!) Sorority and Fraternity Chapters - University Of Texas At Austin However Zeta still got a better pledge class and Chi-O isnt on the same level as PKT. One thing I have noticed recently at a lot of campuses, is that kappa kappa gamma getting a reputation of being druggies. My friend got asked how much her dress cost when she was pledging. Kappa: Had a better pledge class than Pi Phi this year. Generally everywhere I see pictures of Pi Phi's (top tier) and Tri Delts as having the most consistently beautiful members of the sororities. Dumb. The University Panhellenic Council serves as a forum for discussing issues facing collegiate women and the entire Sorority and Fraternity community, and promotes excellence among its membership. Kappa Kappa Gamma (Kappas) are known for being rich girls. Looks can come and go, boyfriends change but sisterhood is a lifetime. You have nothing to loose, and you'll never know if you could absolutely love it until you try it!! A "top" tier sorority can basically pick just who they want among pledges, while a "low" tier sorority takes the leftovers. Many cheerleaders and pom girls go Zeta. I think you are right on about all of them to a large degree. Many other sororities say they are hot in a fake way, with heavy use of makeup and a bit of a princess complex. Girls arent really told ahead they will be a Pi phi or Theta but all who end up in PKT know they will end up in one of them. Kappa kappa gamma is the richest out of all of them. Have to agree with Lindsey right above me. Not one!!! Bottom Tier: KD, ADPi DGs tend to enjoy a level of respect among other sororities and fraternities. Many have noted that while Chi Os are sweet and classy, they are not necessarily known as the most physically attractive women (but not the ugliest, either; many have said they are plain Janes). Chi-Os and Kappa Alpha Thetas are top tier sororities at our school. I know for a fact a lot of Zeta's pledge class from last year hangs with the top frats, including FIJI and RHO and all the other Big Six sororities. Those girls were dropped much earlier in the week. Majority of the school hates them. Based on what they have told me, I agree with most of what has already been said. Pi Phi is cheer or dance types. Their reputation varies from campus to campus, but they are universally considered top-tier. Kappa Delta is not like Kappa Alpha Theta, which was omitted, and also considered top tier. And the KD's are definitely a hodge podge, but I love em! What I have learned is that we all have our pre-conceived notions about what sororities are and most of it is crap. She did not attend any of the right camps or go to the most prestigious high schoolbut she ended up where she should have and she is very, very happy!


Im not a part of Greek life, but I have many friends who are. I can not believe that this is something that exists. Ah well. Their academic reputation is good, but they also have a reputation for avoiding tough majors in favor of less-demanding subjects that dont conflict with their social lives. Girls going through rush (and those rushing them) will decide where they fit in the best; the recruitment process is designed to try to ensure that good matches are made, and each PNM ultimately joins the house in which she will feel most comfortable. :(. Each group is made for members who share values and are willing to grow through their ritual. Each chapter varies and although SOME of these stereotypes are similar to those on my campus, some are so far from it. ut austin sorority reputations DG has been dropping for last few years. Usually pretty and party a lot but like AXO don't get big 6 because they are missing something(could be looks, outgoing personality, etc.) Some sororities have a bigger reputation for drinking and partying than others. Answer (1 of 9): This is an awfully big question, let me try to just point out a few things others have missed. Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. From the little I do know some sororities do charities and that is good in my book. Neither one is the "sorority type". Nice girls with a strong sisterhood. They used to be seen as a step above KD and ADPi, but theyve been slipping with their PCs over the last few years. Most down to earth girls I've ever met. Kappa is rich and cute. Usually need connections but if you are outgoing/pretty enough with a little bit of luck you can get in. Theta smart and cute. It was where I felt I fit in, and I ended up finding out that I would have been extremely unhappy if I'd gone with my old friends. Take Pi Phi, for instance it says they have a reputation for being a fake (and reputation does not equal reality), but check out this quote: "Many consider them to be obsessed with their looks, and have body image issues. They are not considered nicebut not outright nasty either. Some rely on their old reputation, even though their reality is not quite as shiny. Terrible physical house. Chi O really does drop Hardin girls obviously going PKT on day 1 though. Friendships in sorority last a lifetime. the price is about 250 a semester compared to 2,000 for a sorority. Wouldnt be surprised if they continue to improve over the next few years. AEPhis are known to haze. TCU's Reputation - TCU - College Confidential Forums tcu. I don't get why the Thetas aren't on this list. It looks like my daughter is going to be joining Alpha Phi and i've been so disappointed solely because of their reputation, but she loves all the girls that she's met so far and it seems to be a good fit for her, but the reputation.. ugh. Clearly written by a Zeta. Lower tier. Can you do anything about this? I have always been anti-sorority and wouldn't have been caught dead joining one myself--but I have changed my mind. dg is in NO WAY on the same level as achio, they have been going down for years and this years PC proved that. Every chapter, every year is different. Alpha Phi: A lot of girls who go A Phi as a backup to big 6. However, DZ women are also known for their strong sisterhood and mutual support. Since the above poster already commented on the first half of the houses, we need to talk about the second half. I'm worried about my chapter. You are funny. Kappa and Theta both took girls from them pref night. COUNSELING AND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 512-471-3515 UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICES 512-471-4995 LONGHORN WELLNESS CENTER 512-475-8252 . What should matter is that you choose the sorority that you best fit into and makes YOU happy. Among the negative sentiments about Chi Omega members is that they can be a bit isolated (maybe even exclusionary) and limit themselves to their own philanthropic and social activities over cooperation with other Greek-letter organizations. When they put on this show of being social, they can become unclassy and sloppy. Sorority recruitment at UT is EXTREMELY competitive. My roommate, whose dad owns half the state, went Pi Phi. I never knew anything about this stuff, and your take on their reputations was a lot more interesting than reading a wikipedia of their history. What Sorority Recruitment at the University of Texas is REALLY Like I went DG, (slu++y/partners) reputation but undeserved, except for 30-40%. A lot of these are inaccurate. I was blessed for 2 years to travel around the country and spend time with sorority girls in 30 states and numerous chapters. Shame on you. Yeah, KKG takes the cake. I go to UF, and the sorority girls are ridiculous. The reputation of Zetas ranges depending on who you talk to, but party girls is a fairly common descriptor; the less charitable have compared Zetas to the cast of the Jersey Shore. Because honestly, sororities aren't like what you see in the movies. Not a sorority bid. Delta Zetas are gorgeous, easy girls while Delta Gammas are typically bigger in size and far more unattractive. AOE. Usually nice and fun. Please note that staff are currently on a flexible work arrangement schedule. Im a DZ and we just received the 2019 Chapter of the Year award from the University of Tennessee Panhellenic Council. Will always be a bottom tier. Most of the girls who were debutantes with me were Pi Phis. Charters suspended at CSU, Depauw and being kicked off the University of Connecticut and a bus load urinating in public park at Washington state. Just saying what is the truth now. Pi Beta Phi at Arkansas is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what is posted on here. Didn't find your school?Request for your school to be featured on GreekRank. The best way to find out whether a sorority is right for you is to participate in recruitment activities and talk with current members. I know the same can be said for users on here but I feel like CC isn't as saturated with Greeks.</p> <p>So, I am rushing in August at UT and am worried about some reputations having to do with sororities at UT. notforme.". If they didn't like you,you knew it. But no, they are not improving. Your chapter sisters are the ones you need to mesh with. Kappas are the rich girls some are cute but some are not, they basically let girls in who have financial means. Alpha Phi is considered by many to be an upper mid-tier sorority. Kappa Kappa Gamma? Article seems slanted. Better than Theta for sure. There is normally a 6-8 week new member period when you can assess whether you want to commit. Look past the make up/money/chapter stereotype. Kappa Still has a ways to go to get back on Thetas and Pi Phis level that it was on ten years ago. Many consider them obsessed with their looks and say they have a reputation for body image issues. plan on rushing and MEET THE GIRLS. Tami Rogers from Seattle, Washington on February 09, 2015: Both of my daughters are DG's at the University of Washington. You will find some houses that feel welcoming, some that dont and that all depends on you as a person. Jason Menayan (author) from San Francisco on July 05, 2016: The title says it all: these are stereotypes. Like my mom always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. They are incredibly happy there and I was shocked frankly that they rushed to begin with. GPA requirement, population, "goals") then go Here. Upper Bottom Tier: AXiD I think it is slightly ridiculous that people make pages like this. Your class is beautiful but that isnt what is most important to some chapters. I don't think they've ever missed quota, but every year since my niece started HS 3 years ago, I look at the PC photos and get more concerned. My younger sister pledged Pi Phi at Kansas, and again, mostly blonde, debutantes, and extremely selective. Tri Delta does not. This was really interesting to read. Because of this genetic characteristic, a Pi Phi is usually at home wearing gold . Sisterhood is not a competition!! What about AGD, AOII and Gamma Phi? Overall Theta competes with Pi Phi and Kappa (less with Kappa in the past couple of years with their suspension for hazing and having to snap bid like twenty five girls a few years back). Connections not necessary but people usually have them. Pi Beta Phi is known as Pi Bitchy Phi and is the recognitized,as far and above,'The Top' sorority on my huge Greek-led campus. If KD is a top-tier and that is the South only. The friendships in sororities are unlike anything else and I wouldn't trade them for anything. There is a wide variety, culturally, from one sorority to another. Agreed that different universities hold sororities in different esteem!! Boy, the knives seem to be out for the Kappas. Their PC18 is incredible. Some sororities have close ties to fraternities on the same campus and get together informally and for major events. REAL feedback would be greatly appreciated. Alpha Chi Omega. Sadly, that is fairly indicative of this chapter. Pi Phi has a mix of the two. Dont know whats happening to them, but they arent what they used to be and are going down fast. Most freshmen at all three of their pref nights went PKT. Alpha Gamma Delta. From my school they take the girls who are willing to stay in rush that no one else will take. I like yalls pool though. Overall Theta competes with Pi Phi and Kappa (less with Kappa in the past couple of years with their suspension for hazing and having to snap bid like twenty five girls a few years back). Some are really nice and some are not at all. I attend one of the top universities in the country, and arguably the most competitive sorority school in the country. My mother and daughter are members of Pi Beta Phi. Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on December 11, 2018: Having met women from different sororities over my life, I generally accept your assessment here. Medium low-ish, ish ish. Most girls have a connection to get in here and usually have been told they will be a Pi Phi before rush week begins. Even if you don't think sororities are for you, I would suggest just giving it a shot. 25? They have it all. I never felt compelled to join myself, but you are right, those that do good charity work should be admired. AEPhi: Fun party girls. Based on the totally appraisal of KKG, It reeks of favoritism and lack of awareness. Alpha Delta Pi Website Best Sorority House: Phi Mu In 2016, Phi Mu's University of Alabama chapter unveiled a. from what I know of them. DG and Chi O are top of the middle tier with Phi Mu, and Kappa at the bottom. Thetas are hot and WILD. Delta Zeta (DZ) girls are generally considered approachable and easy to talk to.


Greek life at UT has been wonderful for my daughter, but she had to go in with an open mind and keep it. They're smart in that way.They use their elevated social status to close the court doors. . Then there are houses that are true gems that dont rely old reputation, but work on building a stronger and stronger sisterhood. I forgot to include DG.


If you want to learn more about each house before recruitment, visit their individual websites. Girls are also pretty here and usually have strong connections as well. Despite their relatively low profile, Alpha Chi Omegas are considered down-to-earth and genuine. While some have strong national cultures across all chapters, there are bound to be differences from one university or college to another. Perhaps your guide will give others a better initial overview so THEY, unlike me, will still consider pledging some of these sororities :D. Jason Menayan (author) from San Francisco on June 23, 2011: Yes, they are popular on certain college campuses, not as popular or even nonexistent on others. PNMsDont take advice from a dude whos never even been in a chapter. I'd hope that by now people would be able to see how each organization is full of unique and diverse members who find shared values in their organization. Alpha Omicron Pi - mid tier (strong sisterhood; unique; not academically ambitious; fun; small town girls; down to earth) - Being a sorority with the most chapters around the United States and Canada than any other sorority, their reputations can vary. Pi Phis tend to be arrogant, and really don't care what people think of them, they seem to be above it all. These incidents dont define them either. Gamma Phi Beta completed this $12 million, 40,000-square-foot home in 2015. AXD may be bottom but they are great! Those girls that went AXD are beautiful And would easily have fit in with DG if there was room. Thank you! Possibly because of this, other Greek organizations have highly polarized opinions about Zetas. Alpha Gamma Delta - low-to-mid tier (annoying pranksters; nice but rude when partying; service oriented) - They seem to have a good sisterhood, which seems to be fueled by their need to pull pranks on other frats or steal things from frat houses. Having stellar grade matter. Alpha Phi. Office of the Dean of Students - Sorority and Fraternity Life Chi Os, as members are sometimes called, like cultivating a good girl image. I did and I am happier than ever in my sorority. Sorority and Fraternity Life welcomes new members, develops leaders, and advises council communities. Texas Panhellenic Sorority Reputations and Stereotypes - Owlcation That Certain Look - Texas Monthly You would already know what the chapters are like. Tri-Delts tend to be heavily invested in philanthropy and prefer to be labeled "classy" over "fun to party with," although they do not want to be considered boring. Sure, there are a few nerdier girls in DG and KD and ADPi has some quiet girls but those are all great chapters as is AXD. Delta Zeta is probably the hardest to get in on our campus. Its interesting because they seem to have almost no current rep at all. Jason Menayan (author) from San Francisco on June 27, 2011: I can completely understand. Most sororities include philanthropic activities, which can range from working with local non-profits to fundraising or helping maintain the sorority house and grounds. Aw alpha phi hating on kappa wont make you any prettier or cooler Lots accurate. IMO will join middle tier in the next few years. But just looking at their PC compared to KD and even AXD was a shock. And, 2) Choose to work with a sorority rush coach to help prepare them for and guide them through recruitment. THERE IS NOT A BAD HOUSE AT UTplease dont drink the kool aide They all have mixers with fraternities, date parties, formals, etc. They know how to party, and they'll dress in the sluttiest attire ever when doing so. There is some good advice there about recruitment in general also. No one is saying that these reputations are absolute for every chapter in every university. Truths About Being In Greek Life | Buzzfeed, 14 Things No One Tells You About Being in a Sorority | Cosmopolitan, The Truths and Lies of Sorority Life | College Magazine. Not saying that they were more selective. Many consider them to be obsessed with their looks and say they have a reputation for body image issues. Sorry, I agree-I didnt mean to imply that I thought AXO had a good rush. Most post photos and will tell you about themselves. Chi O did end up rushing against Kappa because Kappa branches out more than Pi Phi and Theta so Chi O has to rush against them. Dont know much about them. They are probably number three IMO. Office of the Dean of Students - Sorority and Fraternity Life An informal guide to the Big Six UT sororities. is usually a top tier sorority and the girls in it are wonderful.. Every sorority has partiers, so nothing should make aphi stand out in that area. Every chapter within a sorority is different. That is probably why you think they are the worst. Sorority Reputations Chi Omega "Chi O's," as members are sometimes called, like cultivating a "good girl" image. (Hang w/ Chi O and Zeta + KA, Sig Ep, Kappa Sig, Delt, Sigma Chi) Zeta Tau Alpha tends to be far more popular in the South than elsewhere in the country. And if you are a girl reading this whos interested in joining greek life, dont listen to this shit. DG: some cool girls and some weird girls. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Im proud of my sorority. Having strong communication skills matter. The fact that many Tri-Delts consider themselves top-tier might explain some of the resentment they get from other sororities. This may be because the sorority has recently fought its way to the top tier and has a reputation to maintain. Still a top tier house thats almost impossible to get into. Furthermore, if you're going to generalize like this, then include all panhellenic sororities, not just the largest national groups. They have found a place to do philanthropy, learn incredible study habits and make life-long friends. Focuses a lot more on GPA than the houses above (you still have to be beautiful to get in). MacKenzie is a 2017 grad of the University of Texas, where she pledged Alpha Phi as a sophomore. Lissa Clason from Fayetteville, NC on October 17, 2014: Delta Gamma became infamous a while back due to an angry, profanity-filled email by a member of the University of Maryland chapter. Most girls are pretty and nice, probably one of the more classier sororities. Some party girls and some not. Any young woman considering joining a sorority- take my advice. they are. Yes Zeta did well. (Hang w/ Theta and Kappa + Fiji and some SAE) I'd say Chi O is more top tier and Pi Phi is universal top tier. Usually nice girls, not a ton of super pretty girls though. AXD: They struggle a lot during rush. Half of KKG's pledge class drops out before graduating. Let the poor girls rush for Christ's sake and stop trying to put ideas into their heads about which are the best, the worst, the richest, the sluttiest, and the craziest sororities. Sure, being a freshman gives you a better chance because you will be a 4-year member, but at the same time, sometimes the older girls that join halfway through college end up being stronger members for the short time they are there, and it also sets you apart from all the freshmen who are rushing because you are different! Thanks! However, they do not want to be seen as boring, so they try hard to look like party girls. Pi Beta Phi? (They can definitely handle their liquor.) Delete it; you look stupid.