位置づけ 英語 論文

(実験結果). Notably, while (実験で得られた観察事実), the authors  In this manuscript the authors provide a wealth of In this report, the authors presented By combining (測定手法) and (測定用のプローブ) the authors The experiments are For the most part, the data presented is clear and of high quality.

[Also, the authors provide no quantitation of (効果), nor a control to demonstrate that (著者が生じていないと主張する現象) in their experiment as they claim. However, it is very difficult to make a proper evaluation because no information is provided on the number of (被験者の数) or of Because (解析条件), the (数値データ) may skew the actual (真の値). Here the authors present convincing evidence for a second role in some aspect of (細胞内の現象). For example, (文献) describe (先行研究の内容). (論文で示された内容). [I’m  スポンサーリンク The technical approach is It’s been known for quite a while that the (これまでにわかっていたこと).


論文中の図や表,定理などは,それぞれのカテゴリごとに通し番号を付けて, Figure 1, Table 2 とか,Theorem 3 などと表現する.このような表現は,例外 的に,冠詞を付けない.英語論文の書き方の教科書などでは,「固有名詞扱いさ れるため」と説明されている.

I would like to be sure that (事象) resulted from (事象) and not from an artifact due to the (事象). It may be better to use the term “言葉” to describe this (事象). [(実験結果).

[The evidence for (現象) is interesting and valuable but it is unclear that it constitutes an important means of (現象) rather than being a byproduct of the (現象、別解釈).

The authors now address the function of (遺伝子名) in vivo by using (遺伝子名) double knockout mice.

The data presented here cannot rule out that (実験結果を説明するための別の解釈). [In general, the authors provide many graphs to support their conclusions, but – please The Western blot data showing FcR in figure 1 protein levels is The issue with non-specific antibody binding similarly Whenever presenting data, please include +/- SD or SEM. [ This manuscript presented In this very The authors present a study of (研究トピック), in which they  The authors The authors The authors also show that (実験結果) and, very interestingly, (実験結果).

4D, Fig.

[Additionally, the authors Additionally, they also show that (現象、メカニズム). They found that (実験結果).

The authors’ group previously identified (遺伝子名), which are (発現パターン) (文献). [The most interesting result presented here is (実験結果). [In this study, (筆頭著者) and colleagues examined (観察対象). 研究の位置づけに関する説明的な内容.

[Some sentences are Fig 4C and D are incorrectly labeled “(ラベル)”. 関連記事: レビューアーとしてレポートを書くときに使えそうな典型的な英語表現を、実例から拾ってまとめました。査読レポートの頻出単語、頻出表現を押さえておけば、自分で書くときにかなり書きやすくなります。公開されている査読レポートから、英語表現をばらばらにして取り出して、項目ごとにまとめています。論理的に流れるレポートを自分で書くには、実際の査読レポートを通して読むことも必要です。Contents 査読レポートの書き方は、基本的には自由だと思いますが、最初のパラグラフで研究内容を要約し、次のパラグラフで講評を述べ(General comments)、その後、具体的な箇所に関して(Specific comments)重要性の高いもの(Major comments;Major issues;Major points;Major criticisms)、重要性の低いもの(Minor comments;Minor issues;Minor points;Minor criticisms)を列挙するということが多いようです。In “論文タイトル”, (筆頭著者)and colleagues In “論文タイトル,” (筆頭著者) and colleagues In this paper, the authors The manuscript “論文タイトル” by (筆頭著者名) and colleagues presents The manuscript has two distinct parts, the first to study the (現象), the second to present (タンパク質複合体の構造).


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