fitear to go! 334

The Headphone List was created to help visitors select the best portable audio products for their needs by featuring the most comprehensive collection of headphone reviews published in an interactive, dynamic format.In addition to product reviews across multiple categories, the site is home to numerous abridged buyers guides, deal alerts, and other useful info, all written by audio enthusiasts with vast experience evaluating audio gear. You can check out all of previous Picture Sunday posts HERE. The earphone provides a very good sense of space for a universal – it may not sound as wide as the Sony EX1000, but the headstage has excellent height and depth in addition to good width. I suspect that Mr. Suyama had everything to say about that. The difference in end user cost is substantial.Had I been Mr. Suyama, I’d have smirked down at the skinny, semi-balding lout sitting before me. 334 zones me in, like never before. The UE900 sounds downright veiled in comparison but, on the upside, has slightly better treble presence and extension compared to the TG334.1964EARS’ second-gen triple-BA custom monitor is a mid-level custom earphone, but it does a surprisingly good job of keeping up with the FitEar. Summer’s heat amplifies each sound.

Thus, the cost difference, both retail and labor, between a universal TO GO 334 and a custom MH334 is not a lot. Compared, for example, to the more level bass of the ATH-CK10, the TG334 sounds noticeably boomy but gains more natural power and depth at the bottom end. The ToGo 334 is comprised of a 3 way system with 3 units and 4 total drivers.

Whatever. Comes with stock 006 cable, FitEar semi-hard carrying case and 1060 Pelican case. It is solid acrylic.

Especially at the wee hours of 0:00 to 5:00. They were hand built of the finest materials. Price quoted includes Paypal fees but shipping will be additional, hit me up and thanks for looking! The zombie is outed. You will easily pick small groups or even single violins from larger bodies. It fits into narrow headphone outputs, but it puts more stress on the cable and output than an l-shaped cable does. FitEarのサウンドをもっと身近に 「FitEar TO GO 334」は、カスタムイヤーモニターMH334で確立したバランスはそのままに、通常のイヤーチップでご利用いただけるユニバーサルタイプのイヤホン。 It will cast simply the most perfectly situated musical stage you’ve ever heard. Yes, you can get to it. They set themselves out as a premium brand using premium materials like titanium, and so … It can be, but it isn’t immediately good.At first, its damned 3D placement is too captivating. The tighter bass of the Miracle also gives it a leg up when it comes to providing a clean and well-separated sonic image.Value For another perspective, see Living in the fast-paced city of Los Angeles, ljokerl has been using portable audio gear to deal with lengthy commutes for the better part of a decade. Me and the TG get alone fine.People with enough ear real estate will be able to tip the earphone back and forth with nary a wince. My Nikon D200, a camera more than fifty years younger, at least still takes product photos.

Resolution is fantastic with both earphones but the brighter Miracle has a slight edge in perceived clarity. I’m not. There is still a long ways to go before the site has all of its the intended features and content, so keep checking back to see what’s new! Sibilance is null, though with bad fit, you will get an abundance of treble.


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