Agree to ing

Verb patterns: verb + infinitive or verb + - ing ? All Free. They apologize for be ing late. 5. Agree definition, to have the same views, emotions, etc. accept to be satisfied with something that has been done, decided or suggested: They accepted the court’s decision. Check out this episode for the full teaching Feedbacks, comments and questions are welcomed. But Word does not know that you may, in fact, use “agree to + -ing”. Let’s make a comparison:The first one means Similarly, if we make a comparison of the second example:This means that the parties may not want to extend the prescribed time periods themselves; whereasmeans that the parties may not agree to the idea of the time period being extended by anyone.If you find it difficult to see the difference in meaning, try replacing the -ing form with a noun phrase:Apart from “consent”, “entitled” “inclined” and “prone”, the word “liable” is also applicable.What’s the difference between to start to smoke and to start to smoking?“To start to smoking” is wrong.
Re: Agree to do or agree to doing?

congratulate sb. blame for. believe in. ; harmonize in opinion or feeling (often followed by with): I don't agree with you. - English Grammar Today - una guida di riferimento alla grammatica e all'uso dell'inglese parlato e scritto - Cambridge Dictionary "She laughed." If you agree to something, you give your permission for it. Others are “consent”, “entitled” “inclined” and “prone”.Here are some examples:When Microsoft Word underlines “agree to + -ing” it does so because it knows that it is an exception to the rule I gave you in Part 1. 05:01 .

Traduction française : être d'accord - admettre. In everything you do, make effort to stay agree-ing. The passive infinitive is formed by to be + past participle (e.g., to be done): She expects to be promoted soon. Why are they encouraged to learn English? (Sie entschuldigen sich fürs Zuspätkommen.)

Example use that includes both prepositions: "He agreed with you on whether we should increase the salary."

agreed v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." Agreeing definition, to have the same views, emotions, etc. Top. agree with. If you continue to use our services, we will assume that you agree to the use of such cookies. The reporter is blamed for writ ing bad stories. 2.

Welcome at ING Solutions Investment Management ! I agree with play ing darts. B. They apologize for be ing late. I agree I don't agree.

Use -ing... when the word is the subject of a clause: Swimming is good exercise.
See more. E.g.


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