Bravais lattice type

particles at 6 faces of the unit cell. The angles between b and c, c and a and a and b are denoted by α, β, and γ respectively as shown in fig.∴ a = b = c and  α=β=γ=90⁰In this crystal, all the three crystal axes are perpendicular to one another ( α=β=γ=90⁰) and the repetitive intervals are the same but the repetitive interval is the same along the third axis is different (a = b ≠ c). They are oblique, rectangular, centered rectangular (rhombic), hexagonal, and square. If we keep the These crystals systems are identified by axis and intra axis angle. The number of corners = 8. Note that the letters a, b, and c have been used to denote the dimensions of the unit cells whereas the letters In Bravais lattices with cubic systems, the following relationships can be observed.a = b = cThe 3 possible types of cubic cells have been illustrated below.Structure of Cubic Bravais LatticeThese three possible cubic Bravais lattices are –The Bravais lattices with orthorhombic systems obey the following equations:a ≠ b ≠ cThe four types of orthorhombic systems (Structure of Orthorhombic Bravais LatticeIn tetragonal Bravais lattices, the following relations are observed:a = b ≠ cThe two types of tetragonal systems are Structure of Tetragonal Bravais LatticeExamples of tetragonal Bravais lattices are – stannic oxide (simple tetragonal) and Bravais lattices having monoclinic systems obey the following relations:a ≠ b ≠ cThe two possible types of monoclinic systems areStructure of Monoclinic Bravais Latticecubic cells are – Monoclinic sulfur (simple monoclinic) and There exists only one type of triclinic Bravais lattice, which is a a ≠ b ≠ cAn illustration of a simple triclinic cell is given below.Structure of Triclinic Bravais LatticeSuch unit cells are found in the structure of potassium dichromate (Chemical formula Only the primitive unit cell for a rhombohedral system exists. Thus, a Bravais lattice can refer to one of the 14 different types of unit cells that a crystal structure can
A Bravais lattice is the collection of a ll (and only those) points in spa ce reachable from the origin with position vectors: R r rn a r n1, n2, n3 integer (+, -, or 0) r = + a1, a2, and a3not all in same plane The three primitive vectors, a1, a2, and a3, uniquely define a Bravais lattice. We have only considered caseswhere the adatoms fall directly above substrate atoms. Although there are virtually no monoatomic simple cubic materials, there are a number of examples where a two-atom motif decorates a simple cubic Bravais lattice. hence number of particles in unit cell at corners = 1/8 x 8 = 1At the same time, there is an atom at the centre of the cell, Hence the number of particles in unit cell 1 + 1 = 2Each Hence each unit

Hence the coordination In words, a Bravais lattice is an array of discrete points with an arrangement and orientation that look exactly the same from any of the discrete points, that is the lattice points are indistinguishable from one another. Hence each unit cell contains 1/2 of the particle at 3D patterns with translational symmetry of a particular type cannot have more, but may have less symmetry than the lattice itself.

Hence each unit cell consists of 1/4 particle The number of atoms per unit cell is in the same ratio as the stoichiometry of the compound. particle in this structure is directly in contact with four other particles in

the layer above and four particles in the layer below. Each point at the intersection of lines in the particle in this structure is directly in contact with four other particles in

lattice site.In this


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