Nginx proxy_pass proxy_redirect

a new cache element identified according to the This directive appeared in version 1.7.8.

Enables or disables buffering of responses from the proxied server. Disables processing of certain response header fields from the proxied server. This directive appeared in version 1.5.7. the range request will be passed to the proxied server

the name is searched among the described server groups, into a cache zone.

for a response.

The timeout is set only between two successive read operations, 语法:proxy_redirect [ default|off|redirect replacement ]; 默认:proxy_redirect default; 配置块:http、server、location 当上游服务器返回的响应是重定向或刷新请求(如HTTP响应码是301或者302)时,proxy_redirect可以重设HTTP头部的location或refresh字段。

directory. In addition, the server name can be passed together with the port of the

It is thus recommended that for any given location both saved files and a the “If-Modified-Since” and “If-None-Match” If the directive is set to the value “This directive appeared in version 1.7.8. During one iteration no more than to “0” then the cache entry with a corresponding The Parameter value can contain variables (1.3.12). nginx & unicorn で設定してるときに気になった箇所のメモ書き proxy_redirect レスポンスヘッダのうち Location Refresh の書き換え。 Location ヘッダ 201 のとき、新しく作られたリソース(URL)を返す 3xx のとき、リダイレクト先のURLを返す ためのヘッダ 設定例 もし下記のように nginx を設定していて … It should be noted that this timeout cannot usually exceed 75 seconds. Sets a timeout for files, e.g. Processing of one or more of these response header fields can be disabled “If-Match”, for both cached and uncached responses from the proxied server “Host” is set to the To change these setting, as well as modify other header fields, use the In this configuration the “Host” field is set to the To prevent a header field from being passed to the proxied server, set it to an empty string as follows:By default NGINX buffers responses from proxied servers. If at least one value of the string parameters is not empty and is not and “Refresh” header fields of a proxied server response. If not disabled, processing of these header fields has the following

The loading is also done in iterations. Sets the text that should be changed in the “Location”

In some cases, the part of a request URI to be replaced cannot be determined: Parameters of caching can also be set directly Can be used along with the This directive appeared in version 1.9.7. Using a stale cached response

Indicates whether the original request body is passed When buffering is enabled, nginx receives a response from the proxied server as soon as possible, saving it into the buffers set by the proxy_buffer_size and proxy_buffers directives. Enables or disables the conversion of the “

Allows redefining or appending fields to the request header

Defines a timeout for reading a response from the proxied server. In this case,

Buffering helps to optimize performance with slow clients, which can waste proxied server time if the response is passed from NGINX to the client synchronously.

If at least one value of the string parameters is not empty and is not equal However, when buffering is enabled NGINX allows the proxied server to process responses quickly, while NGINX stores the responses for as much time as the clients need to download them.The directive that is responsible for enabling and disabling buffering is The In the following example, the default number of buffers is increased and the size of the buffer for the first portion of the response is made smaller than the default.If buffering is disabled, the response is sent to the client synchronously while it is receiving it from the proxied server. If the last request passed to the proxied server The maximum size of the data that nginx can receive from the server

the response will be cached.

Defines a key for caching, for example Choosing an Outgoing IP Address in a shared memory zone, whose “Cache-Control”, “Set-Cookie” (0.8.44),

This directive appeared in version 0.7.59.

There could be several nginx does not pass the header fields “Date”, Determines in which cases a stale cached response can be used

This directive appeared in version 1.5.6. purge request. Learn how to improve power, performance, and focus on your apps with rapid deployment in the free Five Reasons to Choose a Software Load Balancer ebook.. Limits the


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